MacNeal Patient & Family Advisory Council

What is the MacNeal Patient and Family Advisory Council?

MacNeal Hospital takes pride in our partnership with patients and their family members through our Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC). The council is a key committee that works with administrative, nursing and medical staff to promote and enhance patient- and family-centered care throughout our organization.

Why should I join the PFAC?

The Patient and Family Advisory Council enriches the partnership between patients, families and hospital leadership. The council’s monthly meetings are an opportunity to discuss important issues and learn from guest presentations and participate in special projects and committees.

The council works in a supportive, trustworthy and confidential environment in which members share personal perspectives while appreciating other points of view. Members are encouraged to listen and ask questions and to show concern for more than one issue. They are empowered to:

  • partner with hospital staff and guest presenters to bring about meaningful change.
  • request presentations on topics of interest.
  • provide the perspective of patients and their families.
  • share suggestions and offer solutions to improve patient care and enhance the experience of patients, families and other guests.
  • plan and enhance education and support services for patients and their families.

Who is eligible to serve on PFAC?

To become a member of the PFAC, you must:

  • be 18 years or older.
  • be a current patient, family member or caregiver.
  • be able to commit to serve for one year term.
  • be able to commit to attending at least 75% of meetings. Meetings are held the first Thursday of the month from 5:30-7:30pm. Dinner is provided.
  • share MacNeal Hospital's commitment to excellence in patient-centered care.
  • have a positive approach and ability to share and see different points of view.

How can I join PFAC?

If you are interested in joining, please complete the online form below. The application process will include an interview. Not all applicants will be able to serve on the PFAC, but all applications will be kept on file as future openings occur.

We appreciate your interest and invite you to learn more about MacNeal Hospital’s Patient and Family Advisory Council.

MacNeal Patient & Family Advisory Council Application

MacNeal Hospital is seeking new members to fill openings on its Patient & Family Advisory Council (PFAC), which is made up of MacNeal patients, family members of patients, and hospital employees. The Council meets the first Thursday of each month from 5:30-7:30 pm (dinner is provided). We require a 1-year commitment from PFAC members and 75% attendance to monthly meetings.

The Council’s goal is to incorporate the perspective of patients and families into the evaluation and design of MacNeal Hospital processes, services, environment, equipment, and patient communication. Membership on the Council will allow input on planning, programs and policies; identify patient and family concerns; and partner with staff to advise and promote patient family-centered care.

If you are interested in joining, please CLICK HERE to complete the online form. 

We appreciate your interest and invite you to learn more about Loyola’s Patient and Family Advisory Council. For more information, you are welcome to contact Sara Schad, regional manager of patient and volunteer engagement, at 708-216-5398 or