Referrals and Transfers

We're Committed to Strong Partnerships and Better Outcomes

When a patient is referred or transferred to Loyola Medicine, we view collaboration as a truly invaluable asset. We believe that through cooperation, we can find the most effective way to care for patients—care that goes beyond the medical condition to treat the whole person.

We are committed to a smooth transfer process and know how crucial clear, efficient communication is. With that in mind, we have a dedicated physician phone line for patient transfers:

Loyola Physician Transfer Line:
855-4-LOYOLA / 855-456-9652

We also have a dedicated phone line, for physicians only, to facilitate an appointment with a specialist:

Loyola Physician Referral Line:
708-327-DOCS / 708-327-3627

Our concierge service helps referring physicians navigate Loyola’s network of providers. Referral nurses are available Monday-Friday, 8 am – 5 pm, to facilitate and triage the appointment to the appropriate Loyola provider. Our nurses will work with the referring physician offices and the Loyola providers to ensure that the patient is seen within the timeframe requested or sooner, based on acuity. After hours, you may leave a message for a return call the next business day.

To streamline referrals, Loyola offers a free mobile app, Referral, which connects referring physicians with Loyola specialists.

When you refer a patient to Loyola, our commitment is to keep you informed of our diagnosis and treatment plan, as well as to refer the patient back to you for follow-up care.

Physicians who refer patients to Loyola can directly access their patients' electronic health records through LoyolaConnect, our secure physician site.

Learn about our accepted insurance plans.