
Tele-HF: Yale Heart Failure Telemonitoring Study

Official Title:

A Study of Telemonitoring to Improve Heart Failure Outcomes


The primary purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of telemonitoring compared with usual guideline-based care in preventing hospitalization for heart failure patients.


Inclusion Criteria:

* age 18 years or older
* hospitalized for heart failure within the past 30 days
* access to telephone line

Exclusion Criteria:

* not expected to survive 6 months due to irreversible, life-threatening condition
* has or scheduled for cardiac transplant or LVAD
* scheduled for CABG or PCI within 90 days
* severe valvular disease
* Folstein MMSE score less than 20
* resident of a nursing home
* currently a prisoner
* does not speak English or Spanish

Disease(s) and\or Condition(s)

Congestive Heart Failure

Primary Purpose
    • Type: OTHER
    • Name: Telemonitoring
    • Description: Participants in the intervention group are instructed to make a daily toll-free call to an automated telemonitoring system being provided by Pharos Innovations® (Chicago, IL) for 6 months.On each call patients hear a pre-recorded voice that goes through a series of questions about symptoms and the patient's daily weight. Information from the telemonitoring system is automatically downloaded to a secure Internet site for review by clinicians at each practice site.
    • Arm Group Labels: TM
  • Yale University