Stereotactic Radiotherapy (SBRT)

Non-invasive, Low-dose Radiation Therapy for Cancer Treatment

Stereotactic radiotherapy, also known as stereotactic body radiotherapy or SBRT, is one of many different radiation treatments at Loyola Medicine. It treats cancer by using focused radiation beams delivered from outside your body to kill tumors.

SBRT is similar to stereotactic radiosurgery, which was originally developed to treat brain cancer through a single session. However, stereotactic radiotherapy uses a lower dose of radiation over multiple sessions to treat tumors in parts of the body other than the brain. It is commonly used for patients when surgical removal of the tumor is not an option.

At Loyola, we use SBRT to treat many types of cancers and tumors in the body, including:

  • Bone cancer
  • Head and neck cancers
  • Liver cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Spine cancer

During this treatment, your radiation oncologist uses a beam of X-rays that is customized to the size and contours of your tumor to kill cancer cells. We take great care in planning and delivering your treatment to ensure maximum effect on the tumor and minimum effect on nearby healthy tissue.

Cancer cell

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At Loyola, we provide the most advanced cancer treatments available, using the latest research and advanced technology to help treat body, mind and spirit. Request an appointment today with a Loyola Medicine cancer specialist.

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