
Overview and Facts about Abscesses

Abscesses are small pockets of pus that develop when your body gets an infection. They can occur anywhere in the body, from your internal organs to your skin and teeth. Sensing the presence of infection, your body’s immune system is activated and white blood cells are recruited to fight off the infection. The process forms pus, which is made up of white blood cells, dead tissue, and bacteria or germs.

There are many different types of internal abscesses, but abdominal abscesses are the most common and affect nearly every organ in the abdominal cavity. Abdominal abscesses can severely affect your digestive health, and left untreated, may lead to widespread organ damage or even death.

Types of abscesses include:

  • Abdominal abscesses
  • Amebic liver abscesses
  • Anorectal abscesses
  • Bartholin's abscesses
  • Brain abscesses
  • Epidural abscesses
  • Peritonsillar abscesses
  • Pyogenic liver abscesses
  • Skin abscesses
  • Spinal cord abscesses
  • Subcutaneous abscesses
  • Tooth abscesses
Digestive Health

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