Medical Weight Loss

Non-surgical Options for Long-term Weight Loss

Loyola Medicine’s Center for Metabolic Surgery & Bariatric Care offers an expert Medical Weight Loss Program.

Dedicated to helping you reach and maintain a healthy weight, Loyola offers the expertise of highly skilled bariatricians, dietitians and psychologists who draw on the translational research of a nationally recognized academic medical center.

Loyola’s weight loss professionals understand the challenges of living with excess weight and the challenges of losing it. If you have tried and failed repeatedly, you may be a medical weight loss candidate—and Loyola can provide you with the expert medical help you need.

Our multidisciplinary team of professionals is recognized for its superior doctors and success rates and dedicated to partnering with you to help you reach your weight loss goals.

Medical weight loss is more than a "diet." It is a multifaceted, doctor-directed weight management program based on medical principles that target the root cause of your excess weight and weight gain.

While people who want to lose weight have much in common, each person is unique. You have your own personal goals and desires; your own way of dealing with life; your own family situations; and your own health history.

Loyola works with you to create a plan tailored specifically for you, teaching you the skills and reinforcing behaviors needed for long-term success.

How does Medical Weight Loss work?

Medical weight loss doctors at Loyola use your health, weight severity and weight loss goals to develop a weight loss plan specific to your individualized needs and to gauge your weight loss progress. Under the guidance of expert doctors, your medical weight loss plan may include:

  • Individualized nutrition counseling
  • Meal replacement programs, if needed
  • Individualized psychological counseling
  • Emotional support and encouragement in group sessions
  • Exercise consultations at the Gottlieb Center for Fitness
  • FDA-approved prescription medications, if needed
  • Monitoring and adjusting current medications that may interfere with your weight loss efforts

Regardless of your specific needs, the medical weight loss program at Loyola addresses the medical, nutritional, behavioral and emotional changes necessary to promote long-term weight loss.