Bariatric Surgery

Surgical Options for Weight Loss

Loyola Medicine is widely recognized for its comprehensive program for medical weight loss and bariatric surgery.

The Loyola Center for Metabolic Surgery & Bariatric Care offers expert surgical options for weight loss reduction and is committed to working with you to determine the best surgery for your particular weight loss needs.

Bariatric surgery, or surgery for weight loss, is often seen as an important tool in helping people lose significant amounts of excess weight. Bariatric surgeries are done when diet and exercise haven't worked or when you have serious health problems because of your weight.

How does Bariatric Surgery work?

Bariatric surgeries make changes to your digestive system to help to change your metabolism and lose weight by limiting how much you can eat, by reducing the absorption of nutrients, or both.

Loyola’s multidisciplinary team of medical experts are nationally recognized for their expertise in the following most common bariatric surgeries:

  • Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass – rerouting the small intestine to a small stomach pouch
  • Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy – removing a portion of the stomach

Loyola is also an expert in the following less common bariatric surgical procedures:

  • Biliopancreative Diversion
  • Revision/Corrective Surgery
  • Endoscopic procedure to reduce weight gain after Gastric Bypass surgery

To determine which surgery is right for you, Loyola’s multidisciplinary team of weight loss experts will work with you and take many factors into account, including:

  • Your BMI, or Body Mass Index
  • Your eating habits
  • Your health problems
  • Previous surgery
  • The risks of each procedure

Why Choose Loyola for Bariatric Surgery?

Regardless of your weight loss needs, experts at Loyola are committed to partnering with you to determine the best surgical options and follow-up care necessary to help you reach and maintain your weight loss goals.

Loyola is accredited by the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program, making it one of Chicagoland’s premier weight loss centers.

Weight Loss Bariatrics

Request an Appointment

Loyola’s weight loss specialists are committed to lifelong health and wellness. Our medical and surgical weight loss specialists work together to help you lose weight and improve your overall health. Schedule an appointment today!

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