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Overview of Duodenal Switch Surgery at Loyola

Duodenal switch surgery

The Duodenal Switch is one of the weight loss surgeries offered by Loyola Medicine’s highly skilled bariatric surgeons.

Also called a biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch, the procedure involves two elements that combine to help significantly overweight patients dramatically lose weight.

In a duodenal switch operation, a surgeon will remove about 70 to 80% of your stomach, leaving a tube-like pouch. This will help you feel full more quickly and therefore restrict how much you eat.

Also, part of your small intestine is rerouted so that food travels through your digestive system more quickly. This leads to even more weight loss because your body absorbs less fat and calories from what you eat (known as malabsorption).

This procedure usually is performed laparoscopically, a minimally invasive surgical technique that uses smaller incisions and leads to less loss of blood, less scarring and a faster recovery time.

Benefits of Duodenal Switch Surgery

The duodenal switch procedure is used for patients who are significantly overweight and have had trouble losing a large amount of weight using diet and regular exercise.

Generally, If your body mass index (BMI) is greater than 50 – or you have a lower BMI but have other weight-related medical conditions – you may be a candidate for duodenal switch surgery.

This procedure usually results in more weight loss than the other types of bariatric surgeries, and most patients are able to lose up to 80 percent of their excess weight. Other benefits include:

  • Decreased appetite
  • Better quality of life
  • Improved medical conditions, including Type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea and high cholesterol
  • Part of the procedure (the changes to your small intestines) is reversible if you experience complications

Why Choose Loyola for Duodenal Switch Surgery?

The expert weight loss doctors at Loyola Medicine are experienced in performing duodenal switch procedures. Loyola is designated as a Comprehensive Center by The American College of Surgeons, making it one of Chicagoland’s premier weight loss centers. Patients who have a bariatric surgery procedure at Loyola also take part in our medical weight loss program to help you reach and maintain a healthy weight.

Loyola physicians are involved in research trials that may lead to new discoveries in the treatment of obesity and obesity-related illnesses.