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Interns and residents will have the opportunity to experience a wealth of clinical rotations ranging from "bread-and-butter" cases on the Hines General Medicine service to advanced post-transplant patients on the Loyola Heart Failure or Bone Marrow Transplant services. Our intensive care units, both at Loyola and Hines, have residents on the front lines providing care for these challenging and complex patients.

Ambulatory Week Overview

Welcome to the Internal Medicine Ambulatory (+1) Week! An important part of our "4+1" system, our categorical residents are offered a diverse experience in both primary care and subspecialty medicine fields in a setting that allows for regular continuity while not conflicting with inpatient responsibilities.

Categorical residents participate in continuity clinics at the Loyola Outpatient Center, Hines VA Hospital, or Loyola’s Access to Care site in Maywood.

We strive to give our residents exposure in core medicine subspecialty clinics during their residency:

  • Endocrinology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Oncology
  • Pulmonology
  • Rheumatology

Residents also are able to choose from elective subspecialty and non-medicine clinic opportunities listed under the Subspecialty Clinical tab above.