MAYWOOD, IL – During the coronavirus pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) continue to recommend that everyone wear a mask in public, or any place where there are other people, to minimize the transmission of COVID-19. Nevertheless, is it safe to wear a mask for a prolonged period of time? Can a mask restrict oxygen intake or cause a buildup of carbon dioxide?

“As a pulmonologist, I can assure you that for most people wearing a mask is safe,” said Daniel F. Dilling, MD, Loyola University Medical Center pulmonologist and critical care medicine specialist. “I wear a mask every day. Most masks do not limit the amount of air that you breathe in, nor decrease your body’s ability to fight COVID-19.

“Most importantly, masks work,” said Dr. Dilling, who is featured in the new Loyola Medicine video, “Coronavirus (COVID-19): Do Face Masks Restrict Air Flow?”

“COVID-19 is known to spread person-to-person, primarily via saliva droplets or spray. A mask limits the amount of coronavirus droplets transmitted by you, and protects you from the virus entering your nose or mouth.”

According to the American Lung Association, even a 50% reduction in viral transmission can minimize disease exposure and the potential for severe symptoms. This is especially important as not everyone who has COVID-19 looks or sounds sick; many are asymptomatic.

What Type of Face Mask is Best to Protect from Airborne Viruses?

Cloth masks are very effective if they have two or more layers of washable, breathable fabric; completely cover the nose and mouth; and fit snuggly against the side of the face without gaps, according to the CDC.

The American Lung Association says that a fabric mask should not be so thick that it is uncomfortable to breathe. Filter inserts are probably not necessary.

Disposal, paper masks (surgical masks) are also effective in “in reducing respiratory droplet spread,” said Dr. Dilling.

Surgical masks can be worn once or twice before disposal. Cloth masks should be washed “on a regular basis,” said Dr. Dilling.

Who Should Not Wear a Face Mask?

The CDC does not recommend masks for children under the age of 2, “or anyone who has trouble breathing, is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.”

A mask can be worn “when walking on an indoor track or when doing stretching or low-intensity forms of yoga indoors,” according to the CDC; however, wearing a mask while running or doing other high-intensity exercise or physical activity may limit airflow. If possible, these activities should be done outdoors while social distancing.

In addition, the CDC does not recommend that the public wear N-95 masks, which are intended for health care workers. There is also evidence that the prolonged wearing of these masks by individuals with preexisting lung conditions may cause a buildup of carbon dioxide.

“Masks with an exhalation valve or vents also are not recommended as they allow air and respiratory particles to escape, putting those around you at risk,” said Dr. Dilling.

“You don’t always know when someone is infected with COVID-19 coronavirus,” said Dr. Dilling. “Correctly wearing an appropriate mask that covers your nose and mouth helps to decrease the spread and impact of COVID-19. It protects you and those around you from catching and experiencing severe symptoms from this potentially deadly disease.”