MAYWOOD, IL – Christopher M. Gonzalez, MD, MBA, FACS, chair of the urology department at Loyola University Medical Center, has been awarded the Barringer Medal from the American Association of Genitourinary Surgeons (AAGUS). The Barringer Medal is awarded to a member of the AAGUS who has achieved fame and distinguished accomplishments. The award is intended to go to a younger person who is doing outstanding work to encourage them to continue to innovate. Dr. Gonzalez stated that receiving the award was unexpected but a great honor. He feels he is in an engaging environment at Loyola that fosters innovation, and many in the urology department are doing great work to provide advanced treatments for patients.

"Dr. Gonzalez exemplifies distinguished achievement in his career," said Kevin McVary, MD, Director of Loyola Medicine's Men's Health Center. "In a short period of time he has accomplished much, serving as chair of the urology department while also serving in leadership positions at the Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgery Society, American Urological Association (AUA), and the Chicago Urological Society. He is a fitting choice for this most prestigious award."

Dr. Gonzalez was also recently elected Trustee to the American Board of Urology (ABU). His six-year term began on April 2, 2022. Dr. Gonzalez was nominated to the ABU by the AAGUS. Founded in 1935, the American Board of Urology establishes and enacts standards of certification for urologists, working with certified urologists to ensure the delivery of high quality, safe and ethical urologic care. Six urologic societies nominate to the ABU and sponsor its activities, including the AAGUS, the AUA, the American Association of Clinical Urologists, the American College of Surgeons, the Society of Academic Urologists, and the Societies for Pediatric Urology.

"We are very proud of Dr. Gonzalez's accomplishments and all the work he has done for the urology department," added Richard Freeman, MD, MBA, FACS, regional chief clinical officer at Loyola Medicine. "The award brings much deserved attention to the Men's Health Center."

A native of Toledo, Ohio, Dr. Gonzalez obtained his medical degree from the University of Iowa College of Medicine in Iowa City, Iowa. He joined the Northwestern University Department of Urology residency, and was appointed Professor of Urology in 2011. He completed his MBA degree at the Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management, and he was the director of surgery for the Northwestern Medicine Surgical Services Department from 2014 to 2015. He was the Lester Persky Professor and Chair of the Urology Institute at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, from 2015 to 2018. He is now the Albert J. Jr. and Claire Speh professor and chair of urology for the Loyola University Medical Center and Stritch School of Medicine starting in August 2018. Dr. Gonzalez was named the chief of surgery for the Loyola University Medical Center in September 2021. Dr. Gonzalez has published over 150 peer-reviewed manuscripts, review articles, invited editorials, and book chapters. His recent focus has been on patient-reported outcome measures in the area of genitourinary reconstruction, practice patterns in reconstructive urologic surgery, practice integration of advanced practice providers and the urology workforce shortage in the United States. Dr. Gonzalez served in the US Army National Guard from January 1991 to January 2001.