Deep Brain Stimulation

Advanced Treatment to Calm Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

Deep brain stimulation, or DBS, is one of the many advanced treatment options offered at Loyola Medicine.

DBS has proven to be a highly effective approach to calm the muscle and movement symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and control impulses that lead to tremor, stiffness, rigidity, slowed movement and walking problems.

DBS can also be effective in controlling the movement symptoms of Huntington’s disease, dystonia and other motor disorders. This procedure is considered an option if symptom management with medication is no longer effective in controlling motor symptoms. 

DBS delivers electrical impulses to specific areas of the brain that control movement and interrupts the abnormal nerve signals that cause movement disorders. With DBS, a small medical device similar to a heart pacemaker is implanted during surgery.

Why Choose Loyola for Deep Brain Stimulation?

Loyola takes a multidisciplinary approach to patient care and provides support services for patients and families. Our neurology and neurosurgery services are nationally recognized.

As an academic medical center, Loyola provides compassionate, exceptional care to patients and trains future leaders in neurology and neurosurgery.

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Our expert team provides comprehensive care for patients to determine neurological diseases, injuries and issues interfering with critical neurological functions. Schedule an appointment today.

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