Hepatitis A

Overview and Facts about Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is a viral infection that affects your liver. Located under the ribcage in the upper-right of your abdomen, the liver functions to help your body break down and store nutrients while removing toxins from the blood.

The hepatitis A virus causes severe inflammation of liver tissue, which can often resolve itself spontaneously. However, if it does not and is left uncontrolled, inflammation may cause damage to the liver cells and impair liver function.

One of several forms of hepatitis viruses, hepatitis A is highly contagious and is typically spread through contaminated water or food (usually with trace amounts of fecal matter), or from close contact with an infected person.

Good hygiene and vaccinations can protect people from contracting hepatitis A, and most infected people are able to fully recover their digestive health without developing permanent liver damage.

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