Living Liver Donor Program

Overview of Loyola's Living Liver Donor Program

More than 17,000 people in the United States are currently on the waiting list for a liver transplant, according to the American Liver Foundation. While the wait time for a deceased-donor transplant can last several years, living liver donation can dramatically reduce wait times and lead to better outcomes.

In general, living-donor transplants have several advantages over deceased-donor liver transplants:

  • As opposed to deceased-donor livers, living-donor livers are available sooner, which can limit complications.
  • Liver donors and recipients have more flexibility in scheduling their surgeries.
  • Living-donor livers often start to function immediately after transplant surgery.
  • Living-donor organs often come from a relative and may be a closer match.
  • The donated liver spends less time outside of the body, which improves its viability.

If you have made the decision to become a living donor, you likely have seen a loved one go through much suffering because of a serious condition. Your partial liver donation may be life-saving for the patient with end-stage liver disease.

Why Choose the Living Liver Donor Program at Loyola?

As a world-class academic medical center, Loyola’s doctors perform and teach the latest surgical treatments.  Our board-certified transplant surgeons are widely regarded and highly skilled in both traditional and minimally invasive surgery, which is often used for living donors as it leads to a quicker recovery and less pain.

Loyola’s infectious disease team works closely with donors and recipients to ensure that the transferred tissue is as healthy as possible. Our skilled and compassionate nurse coordinators work closely with living donors, providing support and answering your questions—not only before surgery, but afterward as well.


Request an Appointment

Loyola's expert and recognized transplant team has one goal: restoring you to better health.

Schedule an appointment with any of our heart, lung, liver, pancreas or kidney transplant specialists or learn about our living donor transplant programs today.

Call Us at 708-327-3700

Featured Living Liver Donor Program Videos

Loyola Medicine Performs Living Donor Liver Transplant