
Overview and Facts about Myoclonus

Myoclonus is a neurology disorder associated with quick, involuntary muscle movements. These movements normally don’t present a problem and can occur in healthy people or those with certain movement disorders like epilepsy.

Some of the most common forms of myoclonus are hiccups or sudden jerks before falling asleep. In rare cases, the movements can become debilitating.

There are several types of myoclonus. The most common include:

  • Action myoclonus: This occurs with voluntary movements and often develops after a brain injury
  • Cortical reflex myoclonus: This primarily occurs in a few muscles in a specific part of the body and is currently considered a form of epilepsy
  • Essential myoclonus: This occurs without worsening and with no apparent brain or nerve abnormalities. It is sometimes associated with essential tremor or myoclonus dystonia
  • Palatal myoclonus: This is a rapid, rhythmic contraction on either or both sides of the mouth’s soft palate
  • Progressive myoclonus epilepsy (PME): This is a group of rare neurological diseases that worsen with time and can become fatal. It can result from a genetic disorder, cerebral storage disease, or system degeneration
  • Reticular reflex myoclonus: This is a form of epilepsy that causes whole body jerks but may be limited to the legs
  • Stimulus-sensitive myoclonus: This occurs when triggered by external stimuli, including movements, noise, or light
  • Sleep myoclonus: This occurs during the initial stages of sleep

image of a brain

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