Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH)

Overview and Facts about Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus

Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) is a disease that most commonly occurs in older patients who may have a number of underlying chronic diseases that may cause gait difficulties, dementia and urinary incontinence.

NPH is a brain disorder in which excess cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) builds up in the ventricles (fluid filled cavities in the brain).

This buildup can cause thinking and reasoning issues, difficulty walking and loss of bladder control. Another name for NPH is chronic extra ventricular hydrocephalus.

NPH is often confused with other memory disorders and diseases. Because of these other underlying diseases, NPH is not always diagnosed early.

Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease are among the most well known degenerative brain diseases that may be confused with NPH.

Other chronic diseases that can cause gait problems include arthritis, peripheral neuropathy (damage to the nerves in the arms and legs), dizziness related to inner ear disorders, narrowing of the spine in the neck (cervical) or low back (lumbar) regions. 

Multiple strokes can also cause dementia, gait difficulty and urinary problems.

There are two main types of NPH, primary NPH and secondary NPH:

  • Primary NPH: No obvious cause can be identified
  • Secondary NPH: An identifiable cause is found, such as a history of brain tumor, history of bleeding in the brain, previous history of meningitis or history of head injury

Research suggests that NPH may occur from a combination of factors, including poor absorption of CSF back into the blood stream or an inability of the ventricles to respond normally to other pressure changes in the body.

image of a brain

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