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Emily Rix Gilbert, MD

Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine

Provider Groups

  • Loyola Medicine Physician

  • Loyola Physician Partners

Primary Contact

Appointments (New Patients Welcome)
Provider Groups
  • Loyola Medicine Physician

  • Loyola Physician Partners

Primary Contact

Services & Specialties

Areas of Specialization

  • Critical Care Medicine
  • Internal Medicine
  • Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine
  • Pulmonary Disease

Locations & Contact

Primary Location

Loyola Medicine Burr Ridge

6800 N Frontage Rd
Burr Ridge , IL 60527

Loyola Medicine Burr Ridge

Loyola Medicine Oakbrook Terrace

1 S 260 Summit Ave
Oak Brook Terrace , IL 60181-3941

Loyola Outpatient Center

2160 S First Ave
Maywood , IL 60153

Loyola Outpatient Center


Academic Title

Associate Professor

Ages Seen

Adults - Over 65
Adults - 18 to 64

Additional Resources

Education & Certifications


Emory University School of Medicine (2004)

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (2007)

Loyola University Medical Center (2013)

Board Certifications

Critical Care Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine Subspecialty (2013)

Pulmonary Disease, Pulmonary Disease, American Board of Internal Medicine Subspecialty (2012)

Provider Groups

Loyola Medicine Physician

Loyola Physician Partners

Provider Ratings

The following ratings and reviews are based on verified feedback collected from independently administered patient experience surveys. The ratings and comments submitted by patients reflect their own views and opinions. Patient identities are withheld to ensure confidentiality and privacy. Learn More >

4.9 out of 5

(39 ratings)

The Patient Satisfaction Rating is an average of all responses to the care provider related questions shown below from our survey. Patients that are treated in outpatient or hospital environments may receive different surveys, and the volume of responses will vary by question.

8 Reviews


ALWAYS AVAILABLE and listen to my issues/problems


Loyola Medicine needs a quarterly newsletter sent to patients and their family members. Content should highlight MDs who truly excel when giving primary / specialty care. Patient centered-challenging cases are the best way to get this written message -- or video message across.


Patient, kind and respectful


Professional yet friendly, treats U like your opinion mattes, Knowledgeable and willing to explore medication and alternatives.




Besides spending ample time with me during a visit, Dr. Gilbert is super prompt at responding to messages via MyChart.


Visits are always a positive experience.


Dr. Gilbert is wonderful listening to her patients. Very thorough and thoughtful M.D.
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  • Development and Validation of a Machine Learning Model for Early Detection of Untreated Infection. Buell, K. G.; Carey, K. A.; Dussault, N.; Parker, W. F.; Dumanian, J.; Bhavani, S. V.; Gilbert, E. R.; Winslow, C. J.; Shah, N. S.; Afshar, M.; Edelson, D. P.; Churpek, M. M.; Critical care explorations
  • Causes, Diagnostic Testing, and Treatments Related to Clinical Deterioration Events Among High-Risk Ward Patients. Churpek, M. M.; Ingebritsen, R.; Carey, K. A.; Rao, S. A.; Murnin, E.; Qyli, T.; Oguss, M. K.; Picart, J.; Penumalee, L.; Follman, B. D.; Nezirova, L. K.; Tully, S. T.; Benjamin, C.; Nye, C.; Gilbert, E. R.; Shah, N. S.; Winslow, C. J.; Afshar, M.; Edelson, D. P.; Critical care explorations
  • Development and Validation of a Machine Learning COVID-19 Veteran (COVet) Deterioration Risk Score. Govindan, S.; Spicer, A.; Bearce, M.; Schaefer, R. S.; Uhl, A.; Alterovitz, G.; Kim, M. J.; Carey, K. A.; Shah, N. S.; Winslow, C.; Gilbert, E.; Stey, A.; Weiss, A. M.; Amin, D.; Karway, G.; Martin, J.; Edelson, D. P.; Churpek, M. M.; Critical care explorations
  • Development and external validation of deep learning clinical prediction models using variable-length time series data. Bashiri, F. S.; Carey, K. A.; Martin, J.; Koyner, J. L.; Edelson, D. P.; Gilbert, E. R.; Mayampurath, A.; Afshar, M.; Churpek, M. M.; Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA
  • Validation of SeptiCyte RAPID to Discriminate Sepsis from Non-Infectious Systemic Inflammation. Balk, R.; Esper, A. M.; Martin, G. S.; Miller, R. R.; Lopansri, B. K.; Burke, J. P.; Levy, M.; Opal, S.; Rothman, R. E.; D'Alessio, F. R.; Sidhaye, V. K.; Aggarwal, N. R.; Greenberg, J. A.; Yoder, M.; Patel, G.; Gilbert, E.; Parada, J. P.; Afshar, M.; Kempker, J. A.; van der Poll, T.; Schultz, M. J.; Scicluna, B. P.; Klein Klouwenberg, P. M. C.; Liebler, J.; Blodget, E.; Kumar, S.; Navalkar, K.; Yager, T. D.; Sampson, D.; Kirk, J. T.; Cermelli, S.; Davis, R. F.; Brandon, R. B.; Journal of clinical medicine
  • Association between mortality and critical events within 48 hours of transfer to the pediatric intensive care unit. Liang, H.; Carey, K. A.; Jani, P.; Gilbert, E. R.; Afshar, M.; Sanchez-Pinto, L. N.; Churpek, M. M.; Mayampurath, A.; Frontiers in pediatrics
  • Development and external validation of multimodal postoperative acute kidney injury risk machine learning models. Karway, G. K.; Koyner, J. L.; Caskey, J.; Spicer, A. B.; Carey, K. A.; Gilbert, E. R.; Dligach, D.; Mayampurath, A.; Afshar, M.; Churpek, M. M.; JAMIA open
  • Indolent T-Cell Lymphoproliferative Disease: A Rare Case of a Benign Lymphoma of the Gastrointestinal Tract With Extra-Gastrointestinal Involvement. David, R.; Mishra, K.; Gilbert, E. R.; Mirza, K. M.; Hendler, S.; ACG case reports journal
  • Identifying infected patients using semi-supervised and transfer learning. Bashiri, F. S.; Caskey, J. R.; Mayampurath, A.; Dussault, N.; Dumanian, J.; Bhavani, S. V.; Carey, K. A.; Gilbert, E. R.; Winslow, C. J.; Shah, N. S.; Edelson, D. P.; Afshar, M.; Churpek, M. M.; Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA
  • Identifying High-Risk Subphenotypes and Associated Harms From Delayed Antibiotic Orders and Delivery. Han, X.; Spicer, A.; Carey, K. A.; Gilbert, E. R.; Laiteerapong, N.; Shah, N. S.; Winslow, C.; Afshar, M.; Kashiouris, M. G.; Churpek, M. M.; Critical care medicine
  • Determining the Electronic Signature of Infection in Electronic Health Record Data. Churpek, M. M.; Dumanian, J.; Dussault, N.; Bhavani, S. V.; Carey, K. A.; Gilbert, E. R.; Arain, E.; Ye, C.; Winslow, C. J.; Shah, N. S.; Afshar, M.; Edelson, D. P.; Critical care medicine
  • The Development and Validation of a Machine Learning Model to Predict Bacteremia and Fungemia in Hospitalized Patients Using Electronic Health Record Data. Bhavani, S. V.; Lonjers, Z.; Carey, K. A.; Afshar, M.; Gilbert, E. R.; Shah, N. S.; Huang, E. S.; Churpek, M. M.; Critical care medicine
  • Internal and External Validation of a Machine Learning Risk Score for Acute Kidney Injury. Churpek, M. M.; Carey, K. A.; Edelson, D. P.; Singh, T.; Astor, B. C.; Gilbert, E. R.; Winslow, C.; Shah, N.; Afshar, M.; Koyner, J. L.; JAMA network open
  • Comparison of Early Warning Scoring Systems for Hospitalized Patients With and Without Infection at Risk for In-Hospital Mortality and Transfer to the Intensive Care Unit. Liu, V. X.; Lu, Y.; Carey, K. A.; Gilbert, E. R.; Afshar, M.; Akel, M.; Shah, N. S.; Dolan, J.; Winslow, C.; Kipnis, P.; Edelson, D. P.; Escobar, G. J.; Churpek, M. M.; JAMA network open
  • Patient Outcomes and Cost-Effectiveness of a Sepsis Care Quality Improvement Program in a Health System. Afshar, M.; Arain, E.; Ye, C.; Gilbert, E.; Xie, M.; Lee, J.; Churpek, M. M.; Durazo-Arvizu, R.; Markossian, T.; Joyce, C.; Critical care medicine
  • Risk factors for infection and evaluation of Sepsis-3 in patients with trauma. Eguia, E.; Cobb, A. N.; Baker, M. S.; Joyce, C.; Gilbert, E.; Gonzalez, R.; Afshar, M.; Churpek, M. M.; American journal of surgery
  • Identifying Novel Sepsis Subphenotypes Using Temperature Trajectories. Bhavani, S. V.; Carey, K. A.; Gilbert, E. R.; Afshar, M.; Verhoef, P. A.; Churpek, M. M.; American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine
  • Validation of a Host Response Assay, SeptiCyte LAB, for Discriminating Sepsis from Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome in the ICU. Miller, R. R.; Lopansri, B. K.; Burke, J. P.; Levy, M.; Opal, S.; Rothman, R. E.; D'Alessio, F. R.; Sidhaye, V. K.; Aggarwal, N. R.; Balk, R.; Greenberg, J. A.; Yoder, M.; Patel, G.; Gilbert, E.; Afshar, M.; Parada, J. P.; Martin, G. S.; Esper, A. M.; Kempker, J. A.; Narasimhan, M.; Tsegaye, A.; Hahn, S.; Mayo, P.; van der Poll, T.; Schultz, M. J.; Scicluna, B. P.; Klein Klouwenberg, P.; Rapisarda, A.; Seldon, T. A.; McHugh, L. C.; Yager, T. D.; Cermelli, S.; Sampson, D.; Rothwell, V.; Newman, R.; Bhide, S.; Fox, B. A.; Kirk, J. T.; Navalkar, K.; Davis, R. F.; Brandon, R. A.; Brandon, R. B.; American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine
  • Alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 1 can support immune responses toward tumors overexpressing ganglioside D3 in mice. Eby, J. M.; Barse, L.; Henning, S. W.; Rabelink, M. J.; Klarquist, J.; Gilbert, E. R.; Hammer, A. M.; Fernandez, M. F.; Yung, N.; Khan, S.; Miller, H. G.; Kessler, E. R.; Garrett-Mayer, E.; Dilling, D. F.; Hoeben, R. C.; Le Poole, I. C.; Cancer immunology, immunotherapy : CII
  • Positioning ganglioside D3 as an immunotherapeutic target in lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Gilbert, E. R.; Eby, J. M.; Hammer, A. M.; Klarquist, J.; Christensen, D. G.; Barfuss, A. J.; Boissy, R. E.; Picken, M. M.; Love, R. B.; Dilling, D. F.; Le Poole, I. C.; The American journal of pathology
  • A current viewpoint of lymphangioleiomyomatosis supporting immunotherapeutic treatment options. Dilling, D. F.; Gilbert, E. R.; Picken, M. M.; Eby, J. M.; Love, R. B.; Le Poole, I. C.; American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology
  • Recommended reading from the loyola university medical center pulmonary and critical care fellowship program: sunita kumar, m.d., program director. Goyal, A.; Gilbert, E.; Beros, J.; American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine