Prenatal Classes
Prenatal, Childbirth and Infant Care Education and Supportive Services for Parents
Loyola Medicine shares your joy during this special time. We understand that as expectant parents, you have many questions, and our childbirth support services and preparation classes are here to answer them.
The more you understand about the process of childbirth and newborn care and development, the easier the adjustment to parenting will be. Our carefully designed classes and support services will give you the knowledge, skills and confidence you need to welcome and care for your newborn.
To help you prepare for delivery, we offer tours of our labor and delivery units, and postpartum care rooms at both Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood and MacNeal Hospital in Berwyn. We offer a range of classes for the various needs of expectant parents.
Prenatal, Childbirth, and Infant Education Classes
To prepare expectant parents for childbirth and infant care, we offer a range of informative classes led by experienced registered nurses and board-certified lactation consultants. These classes are designed to equip you with the knowledge and confidence needed for this journey. View the list of unique classes and birthing unit tours offered in 2025 at each hospital by clicking below:
Understanding Childbirth Class
These sessions cover topics such as birth planning, labor and delivery, cesarean birth, emotional aspects of pregnancy, delivery and postpartum expectations. The registered nurse instructing the class will discuss both non-medicated labor techniques and medicated labor interventions. This class also includes an Understanding Childbirth book and a tour of the labor/delivery and postpartum unit.
Upcoming Class Dates and Times:
- Saturday, March 22 from 9:00 - 4:00pm
* Self-Guided Video: View additional Childbirth Preparation videos
(* Please note: these self-guided videos are not the same videos shown in classes. They are helpful videos to educate you further.)
Understanding Your Newborn Class
This class is designed especially for first time parents and will explore topics such as: feeding, diapering, bathing, crying, sleep patterns, signs of illness and infant safety. This class also includes an Understanding Your Newborn book.
Upcoming Class Dates and Times:
- Tuesday, March 18, April 8, or June 10 from 6:00 - 9:00pm
* Self-Guided Video: View additional Newborn Care videos
(* Please note: these self-guided videos are not the same videos shown in classes. They are helpful videos to educate you further.)
Understanding Breastfeeding Class
Breastfeeding benefits you and your baby in many ways physically as well as emotionally. This class is taught by an internationally board-certified lactation consultant and provides information regarding:
- Health benefits of breastfeeding
- Body changes while breastfeeding
- How to breastfeed
- Common challenges and remedies
- Breast pump use and breast milk storage
- Continuing breastfeeding while working outside the home
This class is designed to build a new mother's confidence and provide you with information you need to know about breastfeeding before you come in to deliver. This class also includes an Understanding Breastfeeding book.
Upcoming Class Dates and Times:
- To Be Determined
* Self-Guided Video: View additional Breastfeeding videos
(* Please note: these self-guided videos are not the same videos shown in classes. They are helpful videos to educate you further.)
Unit Tours
- Wednesdays at 6:00pm on the following dates:
- 3/19, 4/16, 5/21, 6/18, 7/16, 8/20, 9/17, 10/15, 11/19, 12/17
For more information about any of these classes and/or to register, please contact Adriana Ortiz at or 708-216-4300.
- Labor, Breastfeeding and Baby Care Basics Class – includes tour of the Birthing Center.
- Saturdays, 10:00 am - 3 pm:
- March 15
- May 17
- July 19
- September 20
- November 8
- Saturdays, 10:00 am - 3 pm:
- Clase De Preparto Y Lactancia Materna En Español – incluye un recorrido por el Centro de Partos
- Miercoles, 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm:
- May 7
- August 6
- October 22
- Miercoles, 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm:
Breastfeeding Class
Wednesdays, 6:30 - 9:00 pm:
April 16
June 18
August 20
October 8
December 10
Labor and Delivery Class
Thursdays, 6:30 - 9:00 pm:
June 12
August 14
October 16
Baby Care Basics Class
Tuesdays, 6:30 - 9:00 pm:
June 10
August 19
October 21
Big Sister, Big Brother: Sibling Preparation Class
Appropriate for ages 3 to 10. Parent must stay in class.
Saturdays, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm:
May 10
August 23
November 1
- Tour of unit – Sundays at 3:00 pm:
- March 30
- June 29
- September 7
- December 14
For questions, contact:
- Maria Lotesto: | 708-783-3792
- Heather Chavez: | 708-783-7803
Birthing Unit Tour
During a Birthing Unit Tour at Loyola Medicine or MacNeal Hospital, expectant mothers will explore the labor and delivery floor, learn about labor and delivery options, meet the healthcare team, and gain insights into postpartum care. The tour provides an opportunity to ask questions and prepare for a positive birthing experience.
Breastfeeding Support
Our experienced lactation consultants provide comprehensive support to new mothers learning to breastfeed. Difficulties can include, but are not limited to: painful latching, poor infant weight gain, low or high breastmilk supply, pumping challenges, and returning to work strategies. Loyola ensures optimal care for infant feeding and mother-baby bonding. Learn more about lactation services and support at Loyola.
Postpartum Support
Recognizing the challenges that can arise after childbirth, Loyola Medicine offers mental health support for mothers facing postpartum depression, a condition affecting approximately one in nine women in the United States. Early detection and treatment are crucial, and our mental health clinicians are available to provide the necessary care and support during this time.
We encourage you to speak with your provider and explore these resources:
Featured Prenatal Classes Videos
Women's Health Virtual Tour at Loyola Medicine