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Overview and Facts About Concussions

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury from a blow to the head or body, causing the brain to shake inside the skull. A concussion requires timely and thorough diagnosis and treatment.

Loyola's Concussion Clinic can see and evaluate patients within 24 hours of the injury. Call Loyola’s Sports Injury Hotline at 708-216-4263 to make an appointment if you suspect concussion, whether it is from an accident, a fall or a sports injury.

Quick Concussion Facts

  • As many as 50% of concussions go undiagnosed.
  • The most common causes of concussions are sports injuries, falls and bicycle and car accidents.
  • A loss of consciousness is not required for a concussion to have occurred.
  • Those who have sustained a concussion are at a higher risk of having another, especially in the first 10 days.
  • Adolescents may hide their symptoms and require detailed questioning about how they are thinking and feeling.

Why Choose Loyola's Concussions Program for Treatment?

At Loyola Medicine, we understand that a team approach is the best way to treat concussions in adults, adolescents and child athletes. That’s why we’ve assembled a nationally recognized group of specialists who can respond quickly when you are suspected of having a concussion.

Loyola’s experienced, integrated team includes specialists from sports medicine, neurology, neuropsychology, neurosurgery, physical therapy and primary care.

During your visit at the Loyola Concussion Clinic, you may see multiple healthcare providers, from sports medicine physicians to neuropsychologists and physical therapists, depending on your symptoms and their severity.

Our providers will consult with each other to develop a comprehensive coordinated plan of care that is tailored to your individual needs. Loyola’s unique approach to comprehensive care minimizes the need for multiple appointments and locations.

Whether you have a recent or prolonged concussion, our multidisciplinary team will help guide your return to your sport or activity. We will also coordinate with your child’s school to develop a customized plan to transition their return to academic studies.

Our doctors are leaders in the Chicago area in concussion education programs, speaking with schools and community groups on the causes, symptoms and problems associated with concussion.

As of 2011, the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) and Illinois state law require that every sports-related head injury be evaluated by a qualified medical professional prior to returning to the game.


Request an Appointment

Our skilled orthopaedic surgeons and clinicians are among the best in the nation across all orthopaedic care specialties and will tailor a treatment and rehabilitation plan that’s right for every patient. Schedule an appointment today.

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