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Colleen M Fitzgerald, MD

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Pain Medicine

Provider Groups

  • Loyola Medicine Physician

  • Loyola Physician Partners

Primary Contact

Appointments (New Patients Welcome)
Provider Groups
  • Loyola Medicine Physician

  • Loyola Physician Partners

Primary Contact

Services & Specialties

Areas of Specialization

  • Pain Medicine
  • Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Clinical Interests

Conditions Treated

  • pelvic pain
  • female urinary incontinence
  • lower back pain
  • mixed incontinence
  • dyspareunia
  • dysuria
  • female sexual dysfunction
  • functional incontinence
  • interstitial cystitis
  • levator myalgia
  • pelvic floor dysfunction
  • pelvic floor exercise
  • pelvic floor pain
  • pudendal neuralgia
  • stress incontinence
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Locations & Contact

Primary Location

Loyola Medicine Burr Ridge

6800 N Frontage Rd
Burr Ridge , IL 60527

Loyola Medicine Burr Ridge

Loyola University Medical Center

2160 S First Ave
Maywood , IL 60153

View hours
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
Loyola University Medical Center


Academic Title


Leadership Title

Medical Director of Clinical Research Office
Assistant Dean Medical Student Research

Ages Seen

Adults - Over 65
Adults - 18 to 64

Additional Resources

Education & Certifications

Board Certifications

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, American Board of (2002)

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, American Board of (2002)

Provider Groups

Loyola Medicine Physician

Loyola Physician Partners

Provider Ratings

The following ratings and reviews are based on verified feedback collected from independently administered patient experience surveys. The ratings and comments submitted by patients reflect their own views and opinions. Patient identities are withheld to ensure confidentiality and privacy. Learn More >

4.9 out of 5

(31 ratings)

The Patient Satisfaction Rating is an average of all responses to the care provider related questions shown below from our survey. Patients that are treated in outpatient or hospital environments may receive different surveys, and the volume of responses will vary by question.

8 Reviews


The check-in desk and the waiting room were poorly run. Dr. Fitzgerald was amazing.


Waited over 1.5 hours to see the doctor with no updates from rooming staff




Me gusta su empatia con el paciente


Pleasant experience


She鈥檚 great but it takes a extreme long time for an appointment.


Dr. Fitzgerald is an exceptional doctor - she is brilliant, kind and compassionate and answered each of my questions. I think she is great.


Awesome experience!
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  • Individual Factors in Young Female Athletes' Bladder Health (the Y-FAB Study). Bennis, S.; Joyce, C.; Mueller, E. R.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Urogynecology (Philadelphia, Pa.)
  • Genital Pain and the Spectrum of Bladder-Related Symptoms: Findings from the Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Research Consortium RISE FOR HEALTH Study, USA. Harlow, B. L.; McGwin, G.; Sutcliffe, S.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Lowder, J. L.; Newman, D. K.; Meister, M.; Camenga, D. R.; Stapleton, A.; Chary, V.; Lukacz, E. S.; International urogynecology journal
  • Occupational groups and lower urinary tract symptoms: A cross-sectional analysis of women in the Boston Area Community Health Study. Markland, A.; Bavendam, T.; Cain, C.; Neill Epperson, C.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Yvette LaCoursiere, D.; Shoham, D. A.; Smith, A. L.; Sutcliffe, S.; Rudser, K.; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Research Consortium; Neurourology and urodynamics
  • Is there an association between physical activity and lower urinary tract symptoms in adolescent girls? Results from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. Fitzgerald, C. M.; Cunningham, S. D.; Berry, A.; Gahagan, S.; Joinson, C.; Lindberg, S.; Newman, D. K.; Schmitz, K. H.; Smith, A. L.; Sutcliffe, S.; Shoham, D. A.; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) Research Consortium; International urogynecology journal
  • Toileting Behaviors and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Among Female Physicians and Medical Students. Perlow, A.; Joyce, C. J.; Bennis, S.; Mueller, E. R.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Urogynecology (Philadelphia, Pa.)
  • Physician awareness of patients' preferred level of involvement in decision-making at the initial urogynecology visit: a randomized trial. Nwachokor, J.; Rochlin, E. K.; Gevelinger, M.; Yadav, M.; Adams, W.; Fitzgerald, C.; Acevedo-Alvarez, M.; Mueller, E. R.; Pham, T. T.; American journal of obstetrics and gynecology
  • Health literacy in women with chronic pelvic pain. Bennis, S.; Pham, Y. N.; Tseng, I.; Malisch, B.; Joyce, C. J.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Archives of gynecology and obstetrics
  • Sexual Health Behaviors by Age 17 and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms at Age 19: PLUS Research Consortium Analysis of ALSPAC Data. Camenga, D. R.; Wang, Z.; Chu, H.; Lindberg, S.; Sutcliffe, S.; Brady, S. S.; Coyne-Beasley, T.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Gahagan, S.; Low, L. K.; LaCoursiere, D. Y.; Lavender, M.; Smith, A. L.; Stapleton, A.; Harlow, B. L.; The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine
  • Comprehensive pelvic muscle assessment: Developing and testing a dual e-Learning and simulation-based training program. Newman, D. K.; Lowder, J. L.; Meister, M.; Low, L. K.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Fok, C. S.; Geynisman-Tan, J.; Lukacz, E. S.; Markland, A.; Putnam, S.; Rudser, K.; Smith, A. L.; Miller, J. M.; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) Research Consortium; Neurourology and urodynamics
  • The RISE FOR HEALTH study: Methods for in-person assessment and biospecimen collection. Brubaker, L.; Barthold, J.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Kenton, K.; Lewis, C. E.; Lowder, J.; Lukacz, E. S.; Markland, A.; Meister, M.; Miller, J.; Mueller, E. R.; Rudser, K.; Smith, A. L.; Newman, D. K.; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) Research Consortium; Neurourology and urodynamics
  • Pessary Management Approach Affects Likelihood of Surgery. Chen, Y. B.; Lowe, C.; Wozniak, A.; Pham, T. T.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Mueller, E. R.; Acevedo-Alvarez, M.; Urogynecology (Philadelphia, Pa.)
  • The RISE FOR HEALTH study: Methods for in-person musculoskeletal assessment. Fitzgerald, C. M.; Fok, C.; Kenton, K.; Lukacz, E.; Markland, A. D.; Meister, M.; Newman, D. K.; Rudser, K.; Smith, E. G.; Wyman, J. F.; Lowder, J. L.; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) Research Consortium; Neurourology and urodynamics
  • Importance of internal vaginal pelvic floor muscle exams for women with external lumbar/hip/pelvic girdle pain. Dune, T. J.; Griffin, A.; Hoffman, E. G.; Joyce, C.; Taege, S.; Brubaker, L.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; International urogynecology journal
  • Acupuncture for female bladder pain syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. Bresler, L.; Westbay, L. C.; Hekman, L.; Joyce, C.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; The Canadian journal of urology
  • How Involved Do Patients Want to Be in the Medical Decision-Making at the Initial Urogynecology Clinic Visit? Westbay, L. C.; Adams, W.; Barnes, H. C.; Gevelinger, M.; McKee, D.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Acevedo-Alvarez, M.; Mueller, E. R.; Pham, T. T.; Female pelvic medicine & reconstructive surgery
  • Changes in Bladder Health over Time: A Longitudinal Analysis of Adult Women in the Boston Area Community Health Survey. Sutcliffe, S.; Cain, C.; Bavendam, T.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Gahagan, S.; Markland, A. D.; Shoham, D. A.; Smith, A. L.; Rudser, K.; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Research Consortium; The Journal of urology
  • Assessment of the Pelvic Floor and Associated Musculoskeletal System: Guide for Medical Practitioners. Harm-Ernandes, I.; Boyle, V.; Hartmann, D.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Lowder, J. L.; Kotarinos, R.; Whitcomb, E.; Female pelvic medicine & reconstructive surgery
  • A Randomized Clinical Trial of Standard versus Expanded Cultures to Diagnose Urinary Tract Infections in Women. Barnes, H. C.; Wolff, B.; Abdul-Rahim, O.; Harrington, A.; Hilt, E. E.; Price, T. K.; Halverson, T.; Hochstedler, B. R.; Pham, T.; Acevedo-Alvarez, M.; Joyce, C.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Schreckenberger, P. C.; Brubaker, L.; Wolfe, A. J.; Mueller, E. R.; The Journal of urology
  • Clinical Outcomes of a Multidisciplinary Female Chronic Pelvic Pain Program. Westbay, L. C.; Adams, W.; Kistner, M.; Brincat, C.; Bresler, L.; Yang, L. C.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Female pelvic medicine & reconstructive surgery
  • The impact of a sacroiliac joint belt on function and pain using the active straight leg raise in pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain. Fitzgerald, C. M.; Bennis, S.; Marcotte, M. L.; Shannon, M. B.; Iqbal, S.; Adams, W. H.; PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation
  • Revisiting the Spectrum of Bladder Health: Relationships Between Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Multiple Measures of Well-Being. Sutcliffe, S.; Cain, C.; Bavendam, T.; Epperson, C. N.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Gahagan, S.; Markland, A. D.; Shoham, D. A.; Smith, A. L.; Rudser, K.; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Research Consortium; Journal of women's health (2002)
  • School Toileting Environment, Bullying, and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in a Population of Adolescent and Young Adult Girls: Preventing Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Consortium Analysis of Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. Shoham, D. A.; Wang, Z.; Lindberg, S.; Chu, H.; Brubaker, L.; Brady, S. S.; Coyne-Beasley, T.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Gahagan, S.; Harlow, B. L.; Joinson, C.; Low, L. K.; Markland, A. D.; Newman, D. K.; Smith, A. L.; Stapleton, A.; Sutcliffe, S.; Berry, A.; Urology
  • Consideration of pelvic floor myofascial release for overactive bladder. Wolff, B. J.; Joyce, C. J.; McAlarnen, L. A.; Brincat, C. A.; Mueller, E. R.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Journal of bodywork and movement therapies
  • Applying concepts of life course theory and life course epidemiology to the study of bladder health and lower urinary tract symptoms among girls and women. Brady, S. S.; Berry, A.; Camenga, D. R.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Gahagan, S.; Hardacker, C. T.; Harlow, B. L.; Hebert-Beirne, J.; LaCoursiere, D. Y.; Lewis, J. B.; Low, L. K.; Lowder, J. L.; Markland, A. D.; McGwin, G.; Newman, D. K.; Palmer, M. H.; Shoham, D. A.; Smith, A. L.; Stapleton, A.; Williams, B. R.; Sutcliffe, S.; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS); Neurourology and urodynamics
  • Bladder Pain Syndrome in Women. Bresler, L.; Westbay, L. C.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; JAMA
  • Evaluating Disability-Related Quality of Life in Women With Chronic Pelvic Pain. Ye, A. L.; Adams, W.; Westbay, L. C.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Female pelvic medicine & reconstructive surgery
  • Pregnancy and Sexual Relationships Study Involving wOmen and meN (PASSION Study). Dwarica, D. S.; Collins, G. G.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Joyce, C.; Brincat, C.; Lynn, M.; The journal of sexual medicine
  • The Spectrum of Bladder Health: The Relationship Between Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Interference with Activities. Sutcliffe, S.; Bavendam, T.; Cain, C.; Epperson, C. N.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Gahagan, S.; Markland, A. D.; Shoham, D. A.; Smith, A. L.; Townsend, M. K.; Rudser, K.; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Research Consortium; Journal of women's health (2002)
  • Female lower urinary tract microbiota do not associate with IC/PBS symptoms: a case-controlled study. Bresler, L.; Price, T. K.; Hilt, E. E.; Joyce, C.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Wolfe, A. J.; International urogynecology journal
  • Terminology for bladder health research in women and girls: Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms transdisciplinary consortium definitions. Lowder, J. L.; Bavendam, T. G.; Berry, A.; Brady, S. S.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Fok, C. S.; Goode, P. S.; Lewis, C. E.; Mueller, E. R.; Newman, D. K.; Palmer, M. H.; Rickey, L.; Stapleton, A.; Lukacz, E. S.; Neurourology and urodynamics
  • Severity and bother of prolapse symptoms in women with pelvic floor myofascial pain. Dixon, A. M.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Brincat, C.; International urogynecology journal
  • Pelvic floor myofascial pain in patients with symptoms of urinary tract infection. Wolff, B. J.; Joyce, C. J.; Brincat, C. A.; Mueller, E. R.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
  • Attendance at Prescribed Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy in a Diverse, Urban Urogynecology Population. Shannon, M. B.; Genereux, M.; Brincat, C.; Adams, W.; Brubaker, L.; Mueller, E. R.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation
  • Pre-operative guided imagery in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery: a randomized trial. Billquist, E. J.; Michelfelder, A.; Brincat, C.; Brubaker, L.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Mueller, E. R.; International urogynecology journal
  • Pelvic Pain: An Overview. Le, P. U.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America
  • Anesthetic Cream Use During Office Pessary Removal and Replacement: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Taege, S. K.; Adams, W.; Mueller, E. R.; Brubaker, L.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Brincat, C.; Obstetrics and gynecology
  • Triathlete Risk of Pelvic Floor Disorders, Pelvic Girdle Pain, and Female Athlete Triad. Yi, J.; Tenfelde, S.; Tell, D.; Brincat, C.; Fitzgerald, C.; Female pelvic medicine & reconstructive surgery
  • Investigation of Sacral Needle Depth in Minimally Invasive Sacrocolpopexy. Graham, E.; Akl, A.; Brubaker, L.; Dhaher, Y.; Fitzgerald, C.; Mueller, E. R.; Female pelvic medicine & reconstructive surgery
  • Impact of urinary incontinence on medical rehabilitation inpatients. Mallinson, T.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Neville, C. E.; Almagor, O.; Manheim, L.; Deutsch, A.; Heinemann, A.; Neurourology and urodynamics
  • Transient osteoporosis of pregnancy of the bilateral hips in twin gestation: a case series. Reese, M. E.; Fitzgerald, C.; Hynes, C.; PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation