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Colleen M Fitzgerald, MD

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Pain Medicine

Provider Groups

  • Loyola Medicine Physician

  • Loyola Physician Partners

Primary Contact

Appointments (New Patients Welcome)
Provider Groups
  • Loyola Medicine Physician

  • Loyola Physician Partners

Primary Contact

Services & Specialties

Areas of Specialization

  • Pain Medicine
  • Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Clinical Interests

Conditions Treated

  • pelvic pain
  • female urinary incontinence
  • lower back pain
  • mixed incontinence
  • dyspareunia
  • dysuria
  • female sexual dysfunction
  • functional incontinence
  • interstitial cystitis
  • levator myalgia
  • pelvic floor dysfunction
  • pelvic floor exercise
  • pelvic floor pain
  • pudendal neuralgia
  • stress incontinence
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Locations & Contact

Primary Location

Loyola Medicine Burr Ridge

6800 N Frontage Rd
Burr Ridge , IL 60527

Loyola Medicine Burr Ridge

Loyola University Medical Center

2160 S First Ave
Maywood , IL 60153

View hours
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
Loyola University Medical Center


Academic Title


Leadership Title

Medical Director of Clinical Research Office
Assistant Dean Medical Student Research

Ages Seen

Adults - Over 65
Adults - 18 to 64

Additional Resources

Education & Certifications

Board Certifications

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, American Board of (2002)

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, American Board of (2002)

Provider Groups

Loyola Medicine Physician

Loyola Physician Partners


  • Individual Factors in Young Female Athletes' Bladder Health (the Y-FAB Study). Bennis, S.; Joyce, C.; Mueller, E. R.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Urogynecology (Philadelphia, Pa.)
  • Genital Pain and the Spectrum of Bladder-Related Symptoms: Findings from the Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Research Consortium RISE FOR HEALTH Study, USA. Harlow, B. L.; McGwin, G.; Sutcliffe, S.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Lowder, J. L.; Newman, D. K.; Meister, M.; Camenga, D. R.; Stapleton, A.; Chary, V.; Lukacz, E. S.; International urogynecology journal
  • Occupational groups and lower urinary tract symptoms: A cross-sectional analysis of women in the Boston Area Community Health Study. Markland, A.; Bavendam, T.; Cain, C.; Neill Epperson, C.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Yvette LaCoursiere, D.; Shoham, D. A.; Smith, A. L.; Sutcliffe, S.; Rudser, K.; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Research Consortium; Neurourology and urodynamics
  • Is there an association between physical activity and lower urinary tract symptoms in adolescent girls? Results from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. Fitzgerald, C. M.; Cunningham, S. D.; Berry, A.; Gahagan, S.; Joinson, C.; Lindberg, S.; Newman, D. K.; Schmitz, K. H.; Smith, A. L.; Sutcliffe, S.; Shoham, D. A.; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) Research Consortium; International urogynecology journal
  • Toileting Behaviors and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Among Female Physicians and Medical Students. Perlow, A.; Joyce, C. J.; Bennis, S.; Mueller, E. R.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Urogynecology (Philadelphia, Pa.)
  • Physician awareness of patients' preferred level of involvement in decision-making at the initial urogynecology visit: a randomized trial. Nwachokor, J.; Rochlin, E. K.; Gevelinger, M.; Yadav, M.; Adams, W.; Fitzgerald, C.; Acevedo-Alvarez, M.; Mueller, E. R.; Pham, T. T.; American journal of obstetrics and gynecology
  • Health literacy in women with chronic pelvic pain. Bennis, S.; Pham, Y. N.; Tseng, I.; Malisch, B.; Joyce, C. J.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Archives of gynecology and obstetrics
  • Sexual Health Behaviors by Age 17 and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms at Age 19: PLUS Research Consortium Analysis of ALSPAC Data. Camenga, D. R.; Wang, Z.; Chu, H.; Lindberg, S.; Sutcliffe, S.; Brady, S. S.; Coyne-Beasley, T.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Gahagan, S.; Low, L. K.; LaCoursiere, D. Y.; Lavender, M.; Smith, A. L.; Stapleton, A.; Harlow, B. L.; The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine
  • Comprehensive pelvic muscle assessment: Developing and testing a dual e-Learning and simulation-based training program. Newman, D. K.; Lowder, J. L.; Meister, M.; Low, L. K.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Fok, C. S.; Geynisman-Tan, J.; Lukacz, E. S.; Markland, A.; Putnam, S.; Rudser, K.; Smith, A. L.; Miller, J. M.; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) Research Consortium; Neurourology and urodynamics
  • The RISE FOR HEALTH study: Methods for in-person assessment and biospecimen collection. Brubaker, L.; Barthold, J.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Kenton, K.; Lewis, C. E.; Lowder, J.; Lukacz, E. S.; Markland, A.; Meister, M.; Miller, J.; Mueller, E. R.; Rudser, K.; Smith, A. L.; Newman, D. K.; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) Research Consortium; Neurourology and urodynamics
  • Pessary Management Approach Affects Likelihood of Surgery. Chen, Y. B.; Lowe, C.; Wozniak, A.; Pham, T. T.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Mueller, E. R.; Acevedo-Alvarez, M.; Urogynecology (Philadelphia, Pa.)
  • The RISE FOR HEALTH study: Methods for in-person musculoskeletal assessment. Fitzgerald, C. M.; Fok, C.; Kenton, K.; Lukacz, E.; Markland, A. D.; Meister, M.; Newman, D. K.; Rudser, K.; Smith, E. G.; Wyman, J. F.; Lowder, J. L.; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) Research Consortium; Neurourology and urodynamics
  • Importance of internal vaginal pelvic floor muscle exams for women with external lumbar/hip/pelvic girdle pain. Dune, T. J.; Griffin, A.; Hoffman, E. G.; Joyce, C.; Taege, S.; Brubaker, L.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; International urogynecology journal
  • Acupuncture for female bladder pain syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. Bresler, L.; Westbay, L. C.; Hekman, L.; Joyce, C.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; The Canadian journal of urology
  • How Involved Do Patients Want to Be in the Medical Decision-Making at the Initial Urogynecology Clinic Visit? Westbay, L. C.; Adams, W.; Barnes, H. C.; Gevelinger, M.; McKee, D.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Acevedo-Alvarez, M.; Mueller, E. R.; Pham, T. T.; Female pelvic medicine & reconstructive surgery
  • Changes in Bladder Health over Time: A Longitudinal Analysis of Adult Women in the Boston Area Community Health Survey. Sutcliffe, S.; Cain, C.; Bavendam, T.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Gahagan, S.; Markland, A. D.; Shoham, D. A.; Smith, A. L.; Rudser, K.; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Research Consortium; The Journal of urology
  • Assessment of the Pelvic Floor and Associated Musculoskeletal System: Guide for Medical Practitioners. Harm-Ernandes, I.; Boyle, V.; Hartmann, D.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Lowder, J. L.; Kotarinos, R.; Whitcomb, E.; Female pelvic medicine & reconstructive surgery
  • A Randomized Clinical Trial of Standard versus Expanded Cultures to Diagnose Urinary Tract Infections in Women. Barnes, H. C.; Wolff, B.; Abdul-Rahim, O.; Harrington, A.; Hilt, E. E.; Price, T. K.; Halverson, T.; Hochstedler, B. R.; Pham, T.; Acevedo-Alvarez, M.; Joyce, C.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Schreckenberger, P. C.; Brubaker, L.; Wolfe, A. J.; Mueller, E. R.; The Journal of urology
  • Clinical Outcomes of a Multidisciplinary Female Chronic Pelvic Pain Program. Westbay, L. C.; Adams, W.; Kistner, M.; Brincat, C.; Bresler, L.; Yang, L. C.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Female pelvic medicine & reconstructive surgery
  • The impact of a sacroiliac joint belt on function and pain using the active straight leg raise in pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain. Fitzgerald, C. M.; Bennis, S.; Marcotte, M. L.; Shannon, M. B.; Iqbal, S.; Adams, W. H.; PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation
  • Revisiting the Spectrum of Bladder Health: Relationships Between Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Multiple Measures of Well-Being. Sutcliffe, S.; Cain, C.; Bavendam, T.; Epperson, C. N.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Gahagan, S.; Markland, A. D.; Shoham, D. A.; Smith, A. L.; Rudser, K.; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Research Consortium; Journal of women's health (2002)
  • School Toileting Environment, Bullying, and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in a Population of Adolescent and Young Adult Girls: Preventing Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Consortium Analysis of Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. Shoham, D. A.; Wang, Z.; Lindberg, S.; Chu, H.; Brubaker, L.; Brady, S. S.; Coyne-Beasley, T.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Gahagan, S.; Harlow, B. L.; Joinson, C.; Low, L. K.; Markland, A. D.; Newman, D. K.; Smith, A. L.; Stapleton, A.; Sutcliffe, S.; Berry, A.; Urology
  • Consideration of pelvic floor myofascial release for overactive bladder. Wolff, B. J.; Joyce, C. J.; McAlarnen, L. A.; Brincat, C. A.; Mueller, E. R.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Journal of bodywork and movement therapies
  • Applying concepts of life course theory and life course epidemiology to the study of bladder health and lower urinary tract symptoms among girls and women. Brady, S. S.; Berry, A.; Camenga, D. R.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Gahagan, S.; Hardacker, C. T.; Harlow, B. L.; Hebert-Beirne, J.; LaCoursiere, D. Y.; Lewis, J. B.; Low, L. K.; Lowder, J. L.; Markland, A. D.; McGwin, G.; Newman, D. K.; Palmer, M. H.; Shoham, D. A.; Smith, A. L.; Stapleton, A.; Williams, B. R.; Sutcliffe, S.; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS); Neurourology and urodynamics
  • Bladder Pain Syndrome in Women. Bresler, L.; Westbay, L. C.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; JAMA
  • Evaluating Disability-Related Quality of Life in Women With Chronic Pelvic Pain. Ye, A. L.; Adams, W.; Westbay, L. C.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Female pelvic medicine & reconstructive surgery
  • Pregnancy and Sexual Relationships Study Involving wOmen and meN (PASSION Study). Dwarica, D. S.; Collins, G. G.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Joyce, C.; Brincat, C.; Lynn, M.; The journal of sexual medicine
  • The Spectrum of Bladder Health: The Relationship Between Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Interference with Activities. Sutcliffe, S.; Bavendam, T.; Cain, C.; Epperson, C. N.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Gahagan, S.; Markland, A. D.; Shoham, D. A.; Smith, A. L.; Townsend, M. K.; Rudser, K.; Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Research Consortium; Journal of women's health (2002)
  • Female lower urinary tract microbiota do not associate with IC/PBS symptoms: a case-controlled study. Bresler, L.; Price, T. K.; Hilt, E. E.; Joyce, C.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Wolfe, A. J.; International urogynecology journal
  • Terminology for bladder health research in women and girls: Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms transdisciplinary consortium definitions. Lowder, J. L.; Bavendam, T. G.; Berry, A.; Brady, S. S.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Fok, C. S.; Goode, P. S.; Lewis, C. E.; Mueller, E. R.; Newman, D. K.; Palmer, M. H.; Rickey, L.; Stapleton, A.; Lukacz, E. S.; Neurourology and urodynamics
  • Severity and bother of prolapse symptoms in women with pelvic floor myofascial pain. Dixon, A. M.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Brincat, C.; International urogynecology journal
  • Pelvic floor myofascial pain in patients with symptoms of urinary tract infection. Wolff, B. J.; Joyce, C. J.; Brincat, C. A.; Mueller, E. R.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
  • Attendance at Prescribed Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy in a Diverse, Urban Urogynecology Population. Shannon, M. B.; Genereux, M.; Brincat, C.; Adams, W.; Brubaker, L.; Mueller, E. R.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation
  • Pre-operative guided imagery in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery: a randomized trial. Billquist, E. J.; Michelfelder, A.; Brincat, C.; Brubaker, L.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Mueller, E. R.; International urogynecology journal
  • Pelvic Pain: An Overview. Le, P. U.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America
  • Anesthetic Cream Use During Office Pessary Removal and Replacement: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Taege, S. K.; Adams, W.; Mueller, E. R.; Brubaker, L.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Brincat, C.; Obstetrics and gynecology
  • Triathlete Risk of Pelvic Floor Disorders, Pelvic Girdle Pain, and Female Athlete Triad. Yi, J.; Tenfelde, S.; Tell, D.; Brincat, C.; Fitzgerald, C.; Female pelvic medicine & reconstructive surgery
  • Investigation of Sacral Needle Depth in Minimally Invasive Sacrocolpopexy. Graham, E.; Akl, A.; Brubaker, L.; Dhaher, Y.; Fitzgerald, C.; Mueller, E. R.; Female pelvic medicine & reconstructive surgery
  • Impact of urinary incontinence on medical rehabilitation inpatients. Mallinson, T.; Fitzgerald, C. M.; Neville, C. E.; Almagor, O.; Manheim, L.; Deutsch, A.; Heinemann, A.; Neurourology and urodynamics
  • Transient osteoporosis of pregnancy of the bilateral hips in twin gestation: a case series. Reese, M. E.; Fitzgerald, C.; Hynes, C.; PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation