Daphne Li, MD
Neurological Surgery
Provider Groups
Loyola Medicine Physician
Loyola Physician Partners
Primary Contact
Services & Specialties
Areas of Specialization
- Neurological Surgery
Locations & Contact
Primary Location
Loyola University Medical Center
2160 S First Ave
, IL 60153
Advocate Medical Group/Advocate Lutheran General Hospital
1775 Dempster St
Park Ridge
, IL 60068
Ages Seen
Additional Resources
Education & Certifications
New York Medical College
Loyola University Medical Center
Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford
Provider Groups
Loyola Medicine Physician
Loyola Physician Partners
- Internal Auditory Canal Glioneural Hamartoma: A Rare Mass Masquerading as a Vestibular Schwannoma. Li, D.; Shanker, R.; Borys, E.; Leonetti, J. P.; Anderson, D. E.; Cureus
- Transverse Split Laminoplasty: A Novel Anatomy Preserving Technique. Li, D.; Hong, D. H.; Cureus
- Cephalohematomas, an occult nidus for infection and inflammation: A case report and review of the literature. Li, D.; Tsiang, J. T.; Mackey, K. A.; Bonwit, A.; Pappu, S.; Surgical neurology international
- Neurosurgical management of vertebral lesions in pediatric chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis: patient series. Hug, N. F.; Purger, D. A.; Li, D.; Rinsky, L.; Hong, D. S.; Journal of neurosurgery. Case lessons
- Effect of Stent Porosity, Platelet Function Test Usage, and Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Duration on Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes After Stenting for Cerebral Aneurysms: A Meta-Analysis. Gonzalez, S. M.; Iordanou, J.; Adams, W.; Tsiang, J.; Frazzetta, J.; Kim, M.; Rezaii, E.; Pecoraro, N.; Zsigray, B.; Simon, J. E.; Zakaria, J.; Jusue-Torres, I.; Li, D.; Heiferman, D. M.; Serrone, J. C.; World neurosurgery
- "The Circle" Predicts Extent of Fusion for Surgical Correction of Cervical Spinal Kyphotic Deformities: Proof of Concept. Li, D.; Nockels, R. P.; World neurosurgery
- Surgical correction of pediatric spinal deformities with coexisting intraspinal pathology: A case report and literature review. Li, D.; Anderson, D. E.; Nockels, R. P.; Surgical neurology international
- Rigid versus flexible neuroendoscopy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of endoscopic third ventriculostomy for the management of pediatric hydrocephalus. Li, D.; Ravindra, V. M.; Lam, S. K.; Journal of neurosurgery. Pediatrics
- Anaplastic Hemangiopericytoma of the Jugular Foramen: Case Report and Systematic Review. Li, D.; Westfall, E.; Aasen, M.; Borys, E.; Leonetti, J. P.; Anderson, D. E.; World neurosurgery
- Primary Intradural Extramedullary Sporadic Spinal Hemangioblastomas: Case Report and Systematic Review. Li, D.; Choe, S.; Borys, E.; Serrone, J. C.; Germanwala, A. V.; World neurosurgery
- Transsphenoidal Resection of Pituitary Tumors in the United States, 2009 to 2011: Effects of Hospital Volume on Postoperative Complications. Li, D.; Johans, S.; Martin, B.; Cobb, A.; Kim, M.; Germanwala, A. V.; Journal of neurological surgery. Part B, Skull base
- Standardization of the liquid biopsy for pediatric diffuse midline glioma using ddPCR. Li, D.; Bonner, E. R.; Wierzbicki, K.; Panditharatna, E.; Huang, T.; Lulla, R.; Mueller, S.; Koschmann, C.; Nazarian, J.; Saratsis, A. M.; Scientific reports
- Histone tail analysis reveals H3K36me2 and H4K16ac as epigenetic signatures of diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma. An, S.; Camarillo, J. M.; Huang, T. Y.; Li, D.; Morris, J. A.; Zoltek, M. A.; Qi, J.; Behbahani, M.; Kambhampati, M.; Kelleher, N. L.; Nazarian, J.; Thomas, P. M.; Saratsis, A. M.; Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CR
- Ventricular Cerebrospinal Fluid Sampling in Pediatric Diffuse Midline Glioma Patients: Institutional Experience and Review of the Literature. Li, D.; Stellpflug, W.; Romanski, K.; Kilgallon, M.; Speck, S.; Saratsis, A. M.; Frontiers in pediatrics
- Novel In Situ Open Reduction and Fixation of a Displaced Type II Odontoid Fracture. Li, D.; Rezaii, E.; Jones, G. A.; World neurosurgery
- Lower-dose perioperative steroid protocol during endoscopic endonasal pituitary adenoma resection. Pecoraro, N. C.; Heiferman, D. M.; Martin, B.; Li, D.; Johans, S. J.; Patel, C. R.; Germanwala, A. V.; Surgical neurology international
- Murphey's teat: history and insight into an enigmatic cerebrovascular eponym. Heiferman, D. M.; Li, D.; Serrone, J. C.; Reynolds, M. R.; Germanwala, A. V.; Watridge, C. B.; Arthur, A. S.; Journal of neurosurgery
- Pediatric primary spinal atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor: a case series and review of the literature. Li, D.; Heiferman, D. M.; Syed, H. R.; Santos, J. G.; Bowman, R. M.; DiPatri, A. J.; Tomita, T.; Wadhwani, N. R.; Alden, T. D.; Journal of neurosurgery. Pediatrics
- Effect of Institutional Volume on Acoustic Neuroma Surgical Outcomes: State Inpatient Database 2009-2013. Rezaii, E.; Li, D.; Heiferman, D. M.; Szujewski, C. C.; Martin, B.; Cobb, A.; Malina, G. E. K.; Grahnke, K. A.; Hofler, R. C.; Leonetti, J. P.; Anderson, D. E.; World neurosurgery
- Choroidal artery embolization in the management of cerebrospinal fluid overproduction: case report and review of the literature. Li, D.; Shokuhfar, T.; Pantalone, J.; Rothstein, B.; Alden, T. D.; Shaibani, A.; Saratsis, A. M.; Journal of neurosurgery. Pediatrics
- Resection of an Embolized Cirsoid Aneurysm With Intracranial Venous Drainage: 2-Dimensional Operative Video. Heiferman, D. M.; Syed, H. R.; Li, D.; Rothstein, B. D.; Shaibani, A.; Tomita, T.; Operative neurosurgery (Hagerstown, Md.)
- Cranial Nerve Preservation Following Surgical Treatment for Epidermoid Cysts of the Posterior and Middle Fossae. Grahnke, K.; Burkett, D.; Li, D.; Szujewski, C.; Leonetti, J. P.; Anderson, D. E.; Journal of neurological surgery. Part B, Skull base
- Thrombocytopenia and Neurosurgery: A Literature Review. Li, D.; Glor, T.; Jones, G. A.; World neurosurgery
- Analysis of vestibular schwannoma size: A literature review on consistency with measurement techniques. Li, D.; Tsimpas, A.; Germanwala, A. V.; Clinical neurology and neurosurgery