Matthew J Blecha, MD
Vascular Surgery, Surgery, Surgery, General
Provider Groups
Loyola Medicine Physician
Loyola Physician Partners
Primary Contact
Appointments (New Patients Welcome)
Provider Groups
Loyola Medicine Physician
Loyola Physician Partners
Primary Contact
708-783-0244Services & Specialties
Areas of Specialization
- Surgery
- Surgery, General
- Vascular Surgery
Locations & Contact
Primary Location
Loyola Medicine - Vascular
3231 S Euclid Ave
Ste 400
, IL 60402-3472
Academic Title
Associate Professor
Ages Seen
Additional Resources
Education & Certifications
Sidney Kimmell Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University
Presence Saint Joseph Hospital
University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics
Board Certifications
Vascular Surgery, Vascular Surgery, American Board of Surgery (2008)
Surgery, General, Surgery, American Board of (2006)
Provider Groups
Loyola Medicine Physician
Loyola Physician Partners
- Routine Use of Indwelling Urinary Catheters During Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair is Not Necessary. Simone, A.; Carmon, L.; Rao, P.; Cichocki, M.; Yuan, K.; Blecha, M.; Bechara, C. F.; Soult, M. C.; Vascular and endovascular surgery
- An international, expert-based, Delphi consensus document on controversial issues in the management of abdominal aortic aneurysms. Paraskevas, K. I.; Schermerhorn, M. L.; Haulon, S.; Beck, A. W.; Verhagen, H. J. M.; Lee, J. T.; Verhoeven, E. L. G.; Blankensteijn, J. D.; Kölbel, T.; Lyden, S. P.; Clair, D. G.; Faggioli, G.; Bisdas, T.; D'Oria, M.; Mani, K.; Sörelius, K.; Gallitto, E.; Fernandes E Fernandes, J.; Katsargyris, A.; Lepidi, S.; Vacirca, A.; Myrcha, P.; Koelemay, M. J. W.; Mansilha, A.; Zeebregts, C. J.; Pini, R.; Dias, N. V.; Karelis, A.; Bosiers, M. J.; Stone, D. H.; Venermo, M.; Farber, M. A.; Blecha, M.; Melissano, G.; Riambau, V.; Eagleton, M. J.; Gargiulo, M.; Scali, S. T.; Torsello, G. B.; Eskandari, M. K.; Perler, B. A.; Gloviczki, P.; Malas, M.; Dalman, R. L.; Journal of vascular surgery
- The Impact of Sociodemographic Variables on Functional Recovery following Lower Extremity Amputation. O'Meara, R.; Chawla, K.; Gorantla, A.; Kelly, R.; DeJong, M.; Babrowski, T.; Halandras, P.; Blecha, M.; Annals of vascular surgery
- Duplex Ultrasound-Only Surveillance after Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair is Associated with Favorable Long-Term Outcomes. Blecha, M.; Scali, S.; Stone, D.; Mao, J.; Goodney, P.; Lemmon, G.; Annals of vascular surgery
- Socioeconomic disadvantage is a leading variable in risk score for major amputation following emergent infrainguinal arterial bypass surgery. Cichocki, M.; O'Meara, R.; Kang, I.; Kittrell, Z.; Rao, P.; Weise, L.; Babrowski, T.; Soult, M.; Blecha, M.; Journal of vascular surgery
- Risk score for one-year mortality following emergent infra-inguinal bypass. Rao, P.; O'Meara, R.; Kang, I.; Cichocki, M. N.; Kittrell, Z.; Weise, L. B.; Babrowski, T.; Blecha, M.; Journal of vascular surgery
- Why selective screening for asymptomatic carotid stenosis is currently appropriate: a special report. Paraskevas, K. I.; Dardik, A.; Schermerhorn, M. L.; Liapis, C. D.; Mansilha, A.; Lal, B. K.; Gray, W. A.; Brown, M. M.; Myrcha, P.; Lavie, C. J.; Zeebregts, C. J.; Secemsky, E. A.; Saba, L.; Blecha, M.; Gurevich, V.; Silvestrini, M.; Blinc, A.; Svetlikov, A.; Fernandes E Fernandes, J.; Schneider, P. A.; Gloviczki, P.; White, C. J.; AbuRahma, A. F.; Expert review of cardiovascular therapy
- Preoperative risk score for mortality within 3 years of visceral segment fenestrated endovascular aortic repair. Penton, A.; Li, R.; Carmon, L.; Soult, M. C.; Bechara, C. F.; Blecha, M.; Journal of vascular surgery
- Frailty screening for determination of hemodialysis access placement. McDonnell, S. M.; Nikfar, S.; Blecha, M.; Halandras, P. M.; Journal of vascular surgery
- Recent advances and controversial issues in the optimal management of asymptomatic carotid stenosis. Paraskevas, K. I.; Brown, M. M.; Lal, B. K.; Myrcha, P.; Lyden, S. P.; Schneider, P. A.; Poredos, P.; Mikhailidis, D. P.; Secemsky, E. A.; Musialek, P.; Mansilha, A.; Parikh, S. A.; Silvestrini, M.; Lavie, C. J.; Dardik, A.; Blecha, M.; Liapis, C. D.; Zeebregts, C. J.; Nederkoorn, P. J.; Poredos, P.; Gurevich, V.; Jawien, A.; Lanza, G.; Gray, W. A.; Gupta, A.; Svetlikov, A. V.; Fernandes E Fernandes, J.; Nicolaides, A. N.; White, C. J.; Meschia, J. F.; Cronenwett, J. L.; Schermerhorn, M. L.; AbuRahma, A. F.; Journal of vascular surgery
- Carotid Endarterectomy With Simultaneous Proximal Common Carotid Endovascular Intervention is Beneficial for Symptomatic Stenosis and Likely Confers No Advantage for Asymptomatic Lesions. Kolde, G.; Penton, A.; Li, R.; Weise, L.; Potluri, V.; Conrad, M. F.; Blecha, M.; Vascular and endovascular surgery
- Investigation of center-specific saphenous vein utilization rates in femoral popliteal artery bypass and associated impact of conduit on outcomes. Parker, M.; Penton, A.; McDonnell, S.; Kolde, G.; Babrowski, T.; Blecha, M.; Journal of vascular surgery
- Objective assessment of physician work in infrainguinal arterial bypass surgery. Blecha, M.; Babrowski, T.; Penton, A.; Alvarez, C. C.; Parker, M.; DeJong, M.; Sideman, M.; Journal of vascular surgery
- Temporal Trends and Contemporary Regional Variation in Management of Patients Undergoing Carotid Endarterectomy. Penton, A.; Kelly, R.; Le, L.; Blecha, M.; Vascular and endovascular surgery
- Health care disparities involved in establishing functional arteriovenous fistula hemodialysis access. McDonnell, S. M.; Frueh, J.; Blecha, M.; Aulivola, B.; Halandras, P. M.; Journal of vascular surgery
- The Impact of Perioperative Morbidities, Lack of Discharge Aspirin, and Lack of Discharge Statin on Long Term Survival Following EVAR. Penton, A.; DeJong, M.; Zielke, T.; Nam, J.; Blecha, M.; Vascular and endovascular surgery
- Recanalization of Inferior Vena Cava and Bilateral Iliac Veins 15 Years after May-Thurner Syndrome-Related Occlusion. Kelly, R.; Blecha, M.; The American surgeon
- Investigation of Renal Decline and New Onset Dialysis Following Endovascular Aneurysm Repair in the Vascular Quality Initiative. DeJong, M.; Peterson, L.; Zielke, T.; Simone, A.; Penton, A.; Blecha, M.; Vascular and endovascular surgery
- Modifiable risk factors for occurrence of ipsilateral ischemic events after carotid endarterectomy beyond perioperative period. Blecha, M.; DeJong, M.; Nam, J.; Penton, A.; Journal of vascular surgery
- Reply. Blecha, M.; DeJong, M.; Carlson, K.; Journal of vascular surgery
- A Contemporary Comparison of Cyanoacrylate, Radiofrequency, and Endovenous Laser Ablation on Healing of Active Venous Ulceration. Korepta, L.; Ward, M.; Blecha, M.; Sinacore, J.; Aulivola, B.; Annals of vascular surgery
- Duplicate Great Saphenous Vein Utilization for Long Segment Tibial Bypass Without Need for Spliced Re-Anastomosis. Guerra, C.; Blecha, M.; Vascular and endovascular surgery
- Extent of mural thrombus is not associated with increased 5-year mortality following elective AAA repair. Siddiq, B.; Dejong, M.; Decicco, E.; Zielke, T.; D'Andrea, M.; Aulivola, B.; Blecha, M.; Vascular
- Risk factors for mortality within 5 years of carotid endarterectomy for asymptomatic stenosis. Blecha, M.; DeJong, M.; Carlson, K.; Journal of vascular surgery
- Predictors of Mortality within 24 Months of Initial Arteriovenous Access Creation. Sowa, P.; Blecha, M.; Annals of vascular surgery
- Predictors of Decline in Renal Function 5 Years after EVAR. Blecha, M.; Malach, L.; Dickens, B.; Decicco, E.; D'Andrea, M.; DeJong, M.; Bechara, C. F.; Vascular and endovascular surgery
- COVID-19-Related Spontaneous Aortic Arch Thrombus With Delayed Embolization. Siddiq, B. S.; Ward, M.; Blecha, M.; The American surgeon
- Massive Gastroepiploic Artery Pseudoaneurysm Presenting as Arterial Enteric Fistula. Sowa, P.; Giannotti, G.; Harris, E.; Hamblin, M.; Blecha, M.; Annals of vascular surgery
- Percutaneous Revascularization for COVID-19 Induced Spontaneous Arterial Thrombosis. Aasen, M.; Blecha, M.; Vascular and endovascular surgery
- Saccular aneursym of the infrarenal aorta inducing ureteral obstruction. Blecha, M.; Crisostomo, P.; Bechara, C.; Journal of vascular surgery cases and innovative techniques
- A rare case of fibromuscular dysplasia involving multiple vascular beds. Renz, C.; Tehrani, N.; Malach, L.; Soult, M.; Blecha, M.; Bechara, C. F.; Vascular
- "Modern Endovascular Therapy". Blecha, M.; Gahtan, V.; World journal of surgery
- Community Hospital Experience With Bovine Tissue in Infected Vascular Fields. Sowa, P.; Soult, M.; Blecha, M.; The American surgeon
- The safety of bovine tissue arterial repair in removal of infected prosthetic hemodialysis grafts. Sowa, P.; Halandras, P.; Blecha, M.; The journal of vascular access