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Peter A Santucci, MD

Cardiology, Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology, Internal Medicine

Provider Groups

  • Loyola Medicine Physician

  • Loyola Physician Partners

Primary Contact

Appointments (New Patients Welcome)
Provider Groups
  • Loyola Medicine Physician

  • Loyola Physician Partners

Primary Contact

Services & Specialties

Areas of Specialization

  • Cardiology
  • Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology
  • Internal Medicine

Locations & Contact

Primary Location

Loyola University Medical Center

2160 S First Ave
Maywood , IL 60153

View hours
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
Loyola University Medical Center


Academic Title


Leadership Title

Residency/Fellowship Program Director, EPS
Medical Director, Implant Device Program

Ages Seen

Adults - Over 65
Adults - 18 to 64

Additional Resources

Education & Certifications


Northwestern University (1984)

McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University (1991)

Board Certifications

Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology, Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology, American Board of Internal Medicine Subspecialty (1996)

Cardiology, Cardiovascular Disease, American Board of Internal Medicine Subspecialty (1995)

Provider Groups

Loyola Medicine Physician

Loyola Physician Partners

Provider Ratings

The following ratings and reviews are based on verified feedback collected from independently administered patient experience surveys. The ratings and comments submitted by patients reflect their own views and opinions. Patient identities are withheld to ensure confidentiality and privacy. Learn More >

4.8 out of 5

(91 ratings)

The Patient Satisfaction Rating is an average of all responses to the care provider related questions shown below from our survey. Patients that are treated in outpatient or hospital environments may receive different surveys, and the volume of responses will vary by question.

21 Reviews


Very good


They were all great


EXCELLENT! My Dr referred me to his 鈥淕o To's Dr! That鈥檚 how I ended up w Dr Santucci!


Too long a wait. Almost 1hr 30 mun


I wish keep this provider for my needs


the dr was ver y knowledgeable some should of said the dr was running late just so u know and were not forgotten


Professional, knowledgable, kind




Dr Santucci is a tru and caring professional.


Not much more to say, but I appreciated the referral for a sleep apnea test.


We need Dr Santucci more often in the Tinley Park location, 8 hours as opposed to 4.


Everything is good otherwise i would go somewhere else


Excellent and Compassionate Care!!


Great care given to me.


Great staff great provider


Nothing is broke keep it up


Very good


Dr. Santucci treats me with respect. He answers all my questions with honest answers. I trust Dr. Santucci鈥檚 recommendations to improve my health and well being.




Everyone was helpful again


Dr.鈥檚 Muhammad, Santucci, just great, Melvin the tec. Great
Show more


  • Identification of 2 Distinct Boundaries Distinguishes Critical From Noncritical Isthmuses in Ablating Atypical Atrial Flutter. Santucci, P. A.; Bhirud, A.; Vasaiwala, S. C.; Wilber, D. J.; Green, A.; JACC. Clinical electrophysiology
  • The effect of catheter ablation for ventricular arrhythmias originating from the left ventricular papillary muscles on mitral valve function. Sink, J.; Turin, A.; Cytron, J.; Green, A.; Santucci, P.; Wilber, D.; Vasaiwala, S.; Vasaiwala, S.; Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology
  • A case of electrolyte disturbances leading to flecainide toxicity at normal serum levels and pacemaker malfunction. Kasia, C.; Henry, C.; Santucci, P.; HeartRhythm case reports
  • Occurrence, mortality and predictors of complicated cardiac perforation in patients with CRT-D: Based on the National Inpatient Sample registry. Kawata, H.; Erande, A.; Lafi, O.; Chen, C. W.; Hirai, T.; Santucci, P.; Malik, S.; International journal of cardiology
  • Wolff-Parkinson-White, Brugada phenocopy, and flecainide toxicity: All in one patient. Alhaj, E. K.; Banning, M.; Vasaiwala, S. C.; Santucci, P. A.; Clinical case reports
  • Electrophysiology testing and pacing in octogenarians with unexplained syncope-time to reconsider? Santucci, P.; Heart rhythm
  • Routine Implant of Biventricular Devices Guided by an Electroanatomic Mapping System - Ready for Prime-Time? Chan, K. H.; Santucci, P. A.; Journal of atrial fibrillation
  • Intermittent failure of pacing output caused by algorithm to prevent T-wave oversensing. Hunyor, I.; Abed, H. S.; Sy, R. W.; Hodkinson, E. C.; Santucci, P.; McGuire, M. A.; HeartRhythm case reports
  • The Occurrence of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Therapies After Generator Replacement in Patients Who No Longer Meet Primary Prevention Indications. Kawata, H.; Hirai, T.; Doukas, D.; Hirai, R.; Steinbrunner, J.; Wilson, J.; Noda, T.; Hsu, J.; Krummen, D.; Feld, G.; Wilber, D.; Santucci, P.; Birgersdotter-Green, U.; Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology
  • Electrophysiology procedures: weighing the factors affecting choice of anesthesia. Price, A.; Santucci, P.; Seminars in cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia
  • Left atrial mechanical responses to right ventricular pacing in heart failure patients: implications for atrial fibrillation. Sanagala, T.; Johnston, S. L.; Groot, G. D.; Santucci, P.; Rhine, D. K.; Varma, N.; Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology
  • Pericardial fat is independently associated with human atrial fibrillation. Al Chekakie, M. O.; Welles, C. C.; Metoyer, R.; Ibrahim, A.; Shapira, A. R.; Cytron, J.; Santucci, P.; Wilber, D. J.; Akar, J. G.; Journal of the American College of Cardiology
  • Electroanatomic mapping of postpacing intervals clarifies the complete active circuit and variants in atrial flutter. Santucci, P. A.; Varma, N.; Cytron, J.; Akar, J. G.; Wilber, D. J.; Al Chekakie, M. O.; Brysiewicz, N.; Heart rhythm
  • Prospective study of cardiac sarcoid mimicking arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia. Vasaiwala, S. C.; Finn, C.; Delpriore, J.; Leya, F.; Gagermeier, J.; Akar, J. G.; Santucci, P.; Dajani, K.; Bova, D.; Picken, M. M.; Basso, C.; Marcus, F.; Wilber, D. J.; Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology
  • Endothelial dysfunction in heart failure identifies responders to cardiac resynchronization therapy. Akar, J. G.; Al-Chekakie, M. O.; Fugate, T.; Moran, L.; Froloshki, B.; Varma, N.; Santucci, P.; Wilber, D. J.; Matsumura, M. E.; Heart rhythm
  • Prospective study of atrial fibrillation termination during ablation guided by automated detection of fractionated electrograms. Porter, M.; Spear, W.; Akar, J. G.; Helms, R.; Brysiewicz, N.; Santucci, P.; Wilber, D. J.; Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology
  • The effects of statins and renin-angiotensin system blockers on atrial fibrillation recurrence following antral pulmonary vein isolation. Al Chekakie, M. O.; Akar, J. G.; Wang, F.; Al Muradi, H.; Wu, J.; Santucci, P.; Varma, N.; Wilber, D. J.; Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology
  • Surface electrocardiographic patterns and electrophysiologic characteristics of atrial flutter following modified radiofrequency MAZE procedures. Akar, J. G.; Al-Chekakie, M. O.; Hai, A.; Brysiewicz, N.; Porter, M.; Varma, N.; Santucci, P.; Wilber, D. J.; Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology
  • Idiopathic epicardial left ventricular tachycardia originating remote from the sinus of Valsalva: electrophysiological characteristics, catheter ablation, and identification from the 12-lead electrocardiogram. Daniels, D. V.; Lu, Y. Y.; Morton, J. B.; Santucci, P. A.; Akar, J. G.; Green, A.; Wilber, D. J.; Circulation
  • Influence of age and gender on the mechanism of supraventricular tachycardia. Porter, M. J.; Morton, J. B.; Denman, R.; Lin, A. C.; Tierney, S.; Santucci, P. A.; Cai, J. J.; Madsen, N.; Wilber, D. J.; Heart rhythm
  • Electroanatomic mapping of the right ventricle in a patient with a giant epsilon wave, ventricular tachycardia, and cardiac sarcoidosis. Santucci, P. A.; Morton, J. B.; Picken, M. M.; Wilber, D. J.; Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology