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State of the Heart/Grand Rounds Conference

This conference is held weekly. The conference consists of presentations given by internal division faculty members, external invited speakers, and cardiology fellows on clinical and research topics in cardiology.

Echocardiography Conference

This conference is held weekly. Presentations are given by division faculty and fellows on general topics in echocardiography and interesting imaging cases.

ECG Conference

This conference is held two to three times monthly, organized by fellows, electrophysiology faculty, and cardiographics division faculty. Topics related to interpreting 12 lead ECGs and intracardiac electrograms as well as arrhythmia management are discussed.

Cardiac Catheterization Conference

This conference is held weekly. Fellows rotating through the cardiac cath lab organize the conference with presentation of cath films and discussion of a clinical cardiology related topic.

Research and Journal Club Conference

This conference is held two times per monthl. Division faculty, guest faculty, and fellows present their research. In addition, once per month, recent journal articles are presented and discussed.

Electrophysiology Conference

This conference is held weekly and organized by EP fellows and division faculty. Various topics related to arrhythmia management are discussed.

Vascular Medicine Conference

This conference is held once monthly and designed to cover a wide range of vascular medicine topics. In addition, reading sessions are held once a month in order to help prepare for vascular medicine boards. This conference is organized by division faculty boarded in vascular medicine.

Imaging (Cardiac MRI/CT) Conference

This conference is held every other week in collaboration with the Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging faculty and fellow.

Nuclear Stress Correlation Conference

This conference is held monthly. Interesting nuclear medicine stress exams are presented with correlation to angiographic findings. This conference is organized by fellows, division cardiology faculty, and nuclear medicine radiologist and fellows.

Device Lecture Series

This conference is held monthly. Device and arrhythmia management as well as device programming is discussed.