Hematology/Oncology Research at Loyola

Loyola Medicine's clinical, translational and basic science researchers are recognized nationally for their pioneering cancer research and treatment programs using stem cell and bone marrow transplantation, chemotherapy, biologic response modifiers, surgery and radiation therapy.

Numerous fellow-initiated manuscripts and abstracts are submitted each year to a broad range of journals and meetings. Fellows are assigned career mentors during their first year and work with these senior faculty to develop research collaborations and set project goals.

Basic science and translational research programs within Loyola's Oncology Institute housed within the Cardinal Bernardin Cancer Center include programs in cancer immunology, cancer prevention and control, hematologic malignancy and breast, GI, GU and skin cancers.

The sheer size of the Cancer Center's research facilities, partnered with the development of the new Center for Translational Research and Education (CTRE) in 2017, and the creation of the new department of Cancer Biology in 2018, demonstrates the strength of Loyola's research commitment.

Center for Translational Research and EducationCenter for Translational Research and Education (CTRE)