Fellowship Program Overview

Program Overview

We have a staff of six attending neonatologists, four perinatologists, four neonatal nurse practictioners and six neonatal-perinatal fellows. Our neonatal attendings (without assistance from fellows) also service three other community hospital special care nurseries.

We admit 350-400 patients per year to Loyola Medicine's neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), with an average daily census of 27-30. About 15% of our admissions are <28 weeks gestation, and about 40% are term giving the fellows a wide range of clinical exposure. About 15% of admissions are outborn transfers.

Our program is supported by the following pediatric subspecialists:

  • Cardiology
  • Dermatology
  • Endocrinology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Genetics
  • Hematology-Oncology
  • Infectious Disease
  • Nephrology
  • Neurology
  • Nutrition
  • Ophthalmology
  • Pulmonology
  • Palliative Care


We also consult with pediatric surgery and the surgical subspecialists including cardiovascular surgery, hand surgery, otolaryngology, orthopedics, neurosurgery, plastics and urology.

Our program has a strong working relationship with the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Fellowship program and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. A doctor of pharmacy and neonatal nutritionists help manage our patients.

Loyola Medicine's occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, audiology, social work and spiritual care teams are also actively involved in educational program as well as in the daily care of our patients.

As part of our active quality improvement activities, we are part of the Vermont-Oxford Network. We also review quarterly neonatal and maternal morbidity and mortality issues for our Regional Perinatal Network as well as help initiate and implement both the regional and state of Illinois ongoing quality projects.

Loyola University Chicago's Neiswanger Institute of Ethics, located on Loyola University Medical Center's campus, is another resource with a full range of ethics offerings in academics, lectures, consultation and research.

Follow-Up Clinic

We have an excellent high-risk newborn follow-up clinic which meets one half days a week. Fellows participate approximately one to two times per month in these clinics. The clinic is supported by a neonatal nurse practitioner and OT/PT trained in early intervention.

On-Call Schedule

On-call responsibilities are consistent through all three years, averaging six in house calls per month. Attending coverage is provided concurrently; attendings and fellows share weekend NICU team rounds. Fellows are responsible for primary critical decision-making and provide ongoing reports to the attending.