Clinical Rotations, Training & Education

Rotation schedule example

Inpatient Rotation


  1. Develop the ability to rapidly, efficiently and accurately evaluate patients with acute stroke.
  2. Become well acquainted and familiarized with all aspects of thrombolytic treatment for acute cerebral infarction.
  3. Become well familiar with all potential acute stroke complications.
  4. Develop a rational approach to the use of laboratory tests and neuroimaging in the evaluation of patients with acute stroke.


  1. Demonstrate the ability to rapidly and accurately obtain key elements of the medical history and physical examination in patients with acute stroke.
  2. Demonstrate the up-to-date knowledge in the indications for and administration of thrombolytic therapy in acute cerebral infarction.
  3. Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of all acute stroke complications, their predictive factors, optimal prevention strategies and best treatment options for each complication.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to efficiently utilize high yield testing and appropriately selected additional testing in patients with acute stroke.

Outpatient Rotation


  1. Become well familiar with all aspects of stroke prevention.
  2. Develop the ability to critically evaluate the methodology, analysis and interpretations of scientific publications in cerebrovascular disease.
  3. Develop a rational approach to the use of laboratory tests and neuroimaging in the management of patients with cerebrovascular disease.
  4. Become well familiar with all long-term potential stroke complications.
  5. Increase stroke awareness among the patients, the community and health care professionals.


  1. Demonstrate detailed knowledge of all vascular risk factors, their magnitude and knowledge of optimal risk reduction strategies. Also demonstrate detailed knowledge of the indications, uses and risks of antithrombotic treatments, endovascular procedures and surgical procedures for stroke prevention.
  2. Demonstrate detailed familiarity with various clinical research study designs, appropriate use of various statistical methods and valid interpretation of scientific analysis results.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to efficiently utilize high yield testing and appropriately selected additional testing in patients with cerebrovascular disease.
  4. Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of all long-term potential stroke complications, their predictive factors, possible preventive strategies and best treatment options for each complication.
  5. Demonstrate skill and effectiveness in raising awareness of stroke pathophysiology, acute treatment benefits and prevention benefits among patients, members of the local community and health care professionals.

Month One

  • Supervised performance in the evaluation and treatment of patients with cerebrovascular disease (outpatient, inpatient) and in the performance of transcranial doppler and carotid duplex ultrasonography
  • Didactic lectures in cerebrovascular anatomy, physiology, transcranial doppler, NIHSS certification training
  • Introduction to clinical research trials and identification of personal research projects.

Months Two and Three

  • Graduated reduction in supervision in the clinical evaluation and treatment of patients with cerebrovascular disease
  • Performing and interpreting transcranial doppler examinations and carotid duplex ultrasonography
  • Active involvement in the recruitment of patients for stroke trials and the development of research projects
  • Teaching the neurology residents, nursing and public on issues regarding cerebrovascular disease.

Months Four through Twelve

  • Substantial autonomy in all of the above.