Year 1 – Preliminary Medicine Year at Loyola
Intern year is spent with the Department of Medicine to focus on the fundamentals of medicine and hospital care. Our residents do not have a continuity clinic during their intern year. The rotations, faculty, fellow residents, and overall intern experience at Loyola has been universally praised by our Neurology residents. Our PGY2-PGY4 residents feel well-prepared to manage most medical issues that arise in our neurology inpatients. Interns get to enjoy an annual retreat at Lake Geneva Resort in Wisconsin. Intern “year” lasts eleven months, after which the residents join the department of neurology for the last month of their PGY1 year. That final month is utilized for orientation, training, and neuroscience review courses.
Learn about the Internal Medicine Residency program.
Years 2 to 4 – Neurology Residency at Loyola
Our eighteen PGY2-PGY4 residents provide nonstop coverage to two adjoining hospital campuses, are exposed to a large and diverse patient population, and have ample opportunity to diagnose and manage common neurologic diseases as well as rarities.
Through rigorous training we aim to create outstanding clinical neurologists with a passion for excellence in all aspects of their future career. Our ultimate goal is to train residents to be competent and prepared for independence. Our residents' hard work and dedication to learning is consistently rewarded with outstanding fellowship and career opportunities after graduation.
For more details, please see Our Training.