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Radiology Residency Program Overview

The Department of Radiology at Loyola Medicine conducts a four-year diagnostic radiology residency which is fully accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). On completion of residency training, graduates of the residency program are eligible for certification by the American Board of Radiology (ABR) in Diagnostic Radiology.

Loyola accepts seven residents in the diagnostic radiology program each year. Our residents receive training in all the traditional radiologic disciplines including angiography, bone, cardiovascular, chest, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, interventional, mammography, neuroradiology, neurointerventional and pediatric radiology.

Rotations are based on subspecialty, in addition to modality-oriented rotations in ultrasound, CT and MRI. The Department is fortunate to have three or more faculty members with specific expertise and experience in each of these subspecialties to conduct this training. All Examinations and procedures are administered and interpreted by the resident staff under the direct guidance and supervision of the attending faculty.

Completing the Diagnostic Radiology training program will be exciting and rewarding, with comprehensive training in all facets of diagnostic and therapeutic imaging. Some individuals may be inspired for a more focused training path. Therefore, select residents may choose to apply for the Pathway for Added Certification in Education (PACE), Early Specialization in Interventional Radiology (ESIR), or the Diagnostic Radiology/Nuclear Radiology pathway to dual board certification. Our program strives to provide an environment where all trainees can have the opportunity to reach their maximum potential.

Loyola's unique training is organized around faculty-resident interactions, with a one-on-one relationship between a faculty member and a resident. The large volume and variety of cases and the one-on-one student-teacher relationship, coupled with our academically stimulating environment, provides a superior training experience in radiology. Most importantly, there is a warm, friendly, and personal relationship among all the members of the Radiology Department.

Residency Objectives

The objective of the Department of Radiology residency program at Loyola Medicine is to thoroughly prepare the individual for a successful career in either academic medicine or clinical practice. Loyola Medicine and Loyola University Chicago both emphasize ethical behavior of the highest caliber which, in turn, recognizes and respects the dignity of the individual.

The training program provides educational opportunities in an environment that stresses these ideals by emphasizing individual competence and compassion in patient care. The enthusiastic faculty of the department seeks to impart the necessary knowledge to its trainees in a logical fashion, to kindle academic curiosity, and to develop the skills necessary for a successful career in radiology.

Comprehensive daily lectures and conferences, scholarly activities, and ongoing clinical involvement are an integral part of the residency program including:

  • Daily teaching conferences from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., with two year curriculum cycle
  • Additional teaching conferences from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. as scheduled
  • A comprehensive lecture series in radiology physics, nuclear medicine physics, and radiobiology
  • Numerous multi-disciplinary conferences to correlate findings in cases of educational value
  • Monthly Diagnostic and Nuclear Medicine Journal Clubs
  • Department subsidized participation in American Institute for Pathology (AIRP) course
  • Attendance at, and participation in, a wide variety of specialty conferences at LUMC
  • Case based conferences by visiting professors including Loyola Radiology graduates
  • Second and third year resident contribution to medical student Radiology elective
  • Basic Life Support training, Advanced Cardiac Life Support certification and Pediatric Advanced Life Support certification
  • Monthly M & M conference
  • Monthly Grand Rounds - Resident Prepared/Faculty mentored
  • Chicago Radiological Society Meetings
  • RSNA Annual Meeting

Loyola's Radiology residents rotate through the Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital, the Children's Memorial Medical Center in Chicago, and the American Institute for Radiologic Pathology (AIRP) in Washington, D.C.

Financial Considerations

Loyola provides financial support and professional liability insurance for all residents. Laboratory coats and paging beepers are supplied. Meals are furnished for residents on night float in the hospital. 100% of the hospitalization insurance premium for the individual is paid by the university, with additional family insurance available. Twenty days of paid time off are granted each year.

Tuition expense for the AIRP rotation along with a stipend is granted to Residents in accordance with the current Resident Education Fund Guidelines. Additional discretionary funds are also available for each resident's educational needs in accordance with the guidelines.

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