Whipple Procedure for Pancreatic and Gastric Cancers

Recognized Leader in Whipple Procedure

The Whipple procedure is the most common procedure used to remove pancreatic cancers, and is one of the most extensive operations in surgery.  It may also be used to treat some benign pancreatic lesions and cancers in the bile duct and in part of the small intestine. Also called a pancreatoduodenectomy, the surgery involves the removal of parts of four organs and reconstruction of the digestive tract.

The Whipple procedure gets its name from Allen Whipple, an American surgeon who made numerous improvements to the technique. It involves removal of the head of the pancreas, the gallbladder, the duodenum (the first section of the small intestine), the common bile duct and sometimes part of the stomach. The surgeon then reconstructs the digestive tract. The operation may take anywhere from four and a half to seven hours, and patients usually spend eight to 10 days in the hospital.

The Cardinal Bernardin Cancer Center convenes a multidisciplinary gastrointestinal oncology group every week to discuss patient care. This team includes experts from diagnostic radiology, gastroenterology, medical oncology, nutrition, pathology, radiation oncology and surgical oncology.

Why Choose Loyola for the Whipple Procedure?

Loyola’s surgeons performing the Whipple procedure are some of the most experienced in the Chicago area. While most hospitals across the country only perform one or two of these procedures in a year, Loyola performs 40 to 50. Loyola also performs more than 70 pancreatic resections a year.

Our experience has led us to be recognized as a leader in this procedure. In 1995, Cardinal Joseph Bernardin chose Loyola for his cancer care, and one of our doctors performed the Whipple procedure to treat his cancer.

Because of our skill in this procedure, our postoperative mortality rate for patients who have a Whipple procedure is less than two percent. Further, the five-year survival rate of pancreatic cancer patients who undergo the Whipple procedures at Loyola is 20%. This matches the survival rates at other top hospitals, including Johns Hopkins, Sloan-Kettering and the Mayo Clinic.

Research indicates that patients who have the Whipple procedure performed by an experienced surgeon at a center with experience such as Loyola get better results. A 2002 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that the lowest mortality and best outcomes occur at medical centers that do many of these procedures.

Cancer cell

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