Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD and NASH)

Overview and Facts about Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD and NASH)

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a disease caused by the buildup of excess fat in a small portion (at least 5%) of liver cells. The liver is responsible for breaking down and removing toxins from your body and aiding in digestive health.

NAFLD is not caused by alcohol abuse, which makes NAFLD distinct from fatty liver disease caused by alcoholism. NAFLD can affect both children and adults; however, the disease is more common in adults. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a form of NAFLD, yet NAFLD is the most common form of liver disease in the United States (US).

Approximately 25 to 40% of adults in the US have been diagnosed with NAFLD. Of these adults, approximately 60% are men. NASH affects about three to 12% of adults in the US. Overall, the prevalence of NAFLD and NASH increases as the prevalence of obesity and metabolic syndrome increases.

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