Lead Extractions and Management

Management and Care for Implanted Heart Devices

Lead extraction and management, also called lead removal, is a critical component of your overall care if you are a patient with a pacemaker or ICD (implantable cardioverter defibrillator).

A lead is a thin, flexible wire that is threaded through a vein in the chest and connected inside the heart. The leads deliver an electrical shock to the heart muscle from a pacemaker or ICD, which helps keep the heart beating at a normal rhythm.

Most people with pacemakers and ICDs have two or three leads implanted; and in order to function properly, the leads must be monitored and managed throughout your care.

Highly skilled cardiac electrophysiologists at Loyola Medicine are expert at fixing and replacing the devices that control abnormal heart rhythm. Lead extractions may be necessary for the following reasons:

  • Infection
  • Lead fracture
  • Scar tissue formation
  • Vein blockage by a clot

Why Choose Loyola for Lead Extractions and Lead Management?

Loyola serves as a major regional and national referral center for the treatment of atrial fibrillation, offering treatment options often unavailable elsewhere. Our skilled team of leading electrophysiologists, advanced practice nurses, technical staff, imaging experts and other professionals provides an integrated approach to the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of rhythm disturbances and their associated underlying conditions.


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Loyola Medicine heart and vascular specialists have the experience and technology to treat the most difficult cardiac and vascular conditions. Schedule an appointment today.

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