Limb Deformity and Limb Length Discrepancy

Multidisciplinary Approach to Diagnose and Treat Limb and Length Disorders

Loyola Medicine’s highly skilled, integrated orthopaedic surgical team is experienced in treating limb deformity and limb length discrepancy.

Limb deformity most commonly occurs in children, with conditions such as bow legs (also called Blount’s disease) and knock knees. Limb deformity can also occur in children or adults as the result of an infection or a fracture that doesn’t heal properly. While some conditions typically resolve themselves as a child grows, some limb conditions affect walking if not treated.

Limb length discrepancy (LLD) is a type of deformity seen when the upper or lower part of the arms or legs are different lengths. A discrepancy in the length of arms usually causes little or no problem for patients. However, leg length differences of 3.5 to 4% of the total length of the leg may cause noticeable abnormalities when walking.

Limb length discrepancies can be caused by bone injuries that heal in a shortened position, more often occurring following complex or open fractures. Other causes of limb length discrepancies include bone infections or bone diseases such as neurofibromatosis or Ollier’s disease.

Why Choose Loyola for Treatment of Limb Deformity and Limb Length Discrepancy?

Loyola’s orthopaedic team takes a multidisciplinary approach to caring for patients with limb deformities and limb length discrepancies, bringing together the expertise of sports medicine specialists and radiologists, as well as surgical experts uniquely skilled at acute trauma care and limb lengthening procedures.


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