Balance Disorders Program

Overview and Facts about the Balance Disorders Program

The Balance Disorders Program at Loyola Medicine provides a multidisciplinary approach to caring for patients with dizziness, unsteadiness, vertigo, buzzing in the ears and hearing loss.

Many specialists may be involved in the diagnosis and treatment of your balance disorder; your team may include otolaryngologists, otologists, neurologists, neurotologists and physical therapists offering specific expertise in balance disorders, which can be difficult to diagnose.

Loyola's Balance Disorders Program is officially designated as a North American Skull Base Society 2021 Multidisciplinary Team of Distinction.

The most common cause of balance disorders is a reaction to medication. However, your balance disorder may have numerous possible causes or be caused by several interacting health problems.

Loyola’s Balance Disorders Program brings togetherthe diagnostic capabilities and specialists needed to diagnose and treat patients with balance disorders. We provide advanced treatment for balance disorders, including:

  • Acoustic neuroma — Also known as vestibular schwannoma. A non-cancerous tumor on the nerve from the inner ear to the brain. Pressure from the tumor can cause ringing, hearing loss and unsteadiness.
  • Benign positional vertigo — Also called benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Brief periods of varying degrees of dizziness, usually triggered by particular changes in the position of your head.
  • Cholesteatoma — A non-cancerous skin cyst, located in the middle ear. May be congenital or caused by frequent ear infections.
  • Labyrinthitis — Inflammation and swelling of the part of the inner ear responsible for balance. May cause sudden vertigo.
  • Meniere's disease — A disorder of the inner ear causing spontaneous episodes of vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss. Usually affects only one ear.
  • Vertigo — The feeling of rocking or spinning even when you are not moving.
Doctor with patient

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Loyola Medicine Otolaryngologist and Neurosurgeon Team Up to Treat Acoustic Neuromas

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