Robotic Radical Nephrectomy (Partial or Radical)

Overview of Robotic Radical Nephrectomy

A nephrectomy is a surgical procedure that removes all or part of your kidney. This procedure is performed to remove a diseased kidney (due to cancer, trauma or other disease) or to harvest a healthy kidney for donor transplant.

There are two kinds of nephrectomy:

  • Partial: Only part of a kidney is removed, leaving healthy tissue intact.
  • Radical/complete: The entire kidney is removed.

Loyola Medicine performs several different types of nephrectomy, including open, laparoscopic and robotic.

In a robotic-assisted (partial or radical) laparoscopic surgery, your surgeon uses robotic tools through small incisions, which allows for better imaging and precise removal of affected tissue.

Why Choose Loyola for Robotic Radical Nephrectomy?

Loyola is widely recognized as one of the top urology programs nationwide. Our multidisciplinary urologic cancer team is well versed in the recent advances in diagnosis, surgical procedures and treatment options that will allow many patients with kidney cancer to live with the disease and maintain normal schedules and lifestyles.