Weight Loss Information Seminars

Loyola Medicine’s Center for Metabolic Surgery & Bariatric Care offers expert medical and surgical options for weight loss reduction. If you have struggled with weight loss and are looking for assistance in your weight loss efforts, Loyola can help.

Whether you are ready to join a Loyola weight loss program now or are unsure of your path, Loyola’s free informational seminars will help educate you and answer many of your questions about bariatric surgery.

Our free online seminars examine the risks of medically significant obesity, illustrate how a partnership with our bariatric health experts can help you, and outline the surgical options available to you.

Getting Started

Loyola has created an online seminar that offers valuable information which you can receive from the comfort of your own home. With Adobe Flash Player on your computer, you are invited to watch a 23-minute presentation that includes all of the necessary information on medical weight loss and bariatric surgery at Loyola.

During the seminar you will meet members of our weight-loss team. The team will teach you about the different options available to help you in your weight loss journey. They will also go over the benefits and potential risks associated with bariatric surgery, such as gastric bypass or gastric sleeve.

Throughout the presentation you will be asked to complete 10 quiz questions and receive a score of at least 80% in order to move on the next step. This safeguard is designed to ensure you understand the information presented. Should you need them, you will have three attempts to pass the online seminar. 

Next Steps

We encourage you to write down any questions that may arise while watching the seminar video. We will work with you to ensure all of your medical weight loss questions are answered.

Following the seminar, you will be asked to complete your patient information packet, which is required before you make your first appointment at Loyola.