Congenital Glaucoma

Overview and Facts about Congenital Glaucoma

Congenital glaucoma occurs when high fluid pressure in the eye puts too much strain on the optical nerve, damaging it. Normally, this fluid is drained away from the optical nerve, but people with this disease are born with a problem that affects the eye’s drainage channel. Because this disease is present at birth, this problem is either due to an issue with development or inherited malformation.

If a child has this disease, it is usually discovered as soon as they are born or before their first birthday. Usually, congenital glaucoma occurs in both eyes, but it is possible to develop it only in one eye. If a child does not get treatment soon, they might have permanent vision damage.


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Whether you are seeking routine eye care or have a specific vision issue, our team treats a wide range of eye diseases and conditions, including cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration and strabismus. Schedule an appointment today. 

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