Angle Recession Glaucoma

Overview and Facts about Angle Recession Glaucoma

Angle recession glaucoma is a condition that develops from blunt trauma to the eye. Injury can cause the fluid inside your eye to be displaced, which may cause damage that includes torn eye tissues.

As a result, scarring and degenerative changes can occur, which blocks the channel that drains the fluids produced by your eye. Fluid build-up can further cause elevated intraocular pressure (pressure inside the eye), leading to angle recession glaucoma.

Not everyone who has experienced trauma develops angle recession glaucoma, but trauma may accelerate the development of glaucoma in people who are genetically predisposed to it.

Delayed diagnosis or poor management of glaucoma conditions can lead to permanent blindness, and someone who’s had a traumatic incident involving their eyes should be examined by an eye specialist yearly.


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