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Spiritual Care at Loyola University Medical Center

“Loyola promises patients that we go beyond the illness to treat the whole person. We also treat the human spirit.®”

Loyola is proud of its heritage as a Catholic medical center, operating within the Jesuit tradition and mission. Since opening in 1969, Loyola has valued spiritual care, or chaplain services, as an essential element of our outreach to patients, families and staff. As members of the healthcare team, spiritual care chaplains share our commitment to treat the human spirit.

During a time of personal or family illness, chaplains are here to assist you in drawing upon your personal spiritual resources and explore with you your spiritual concerns. Here at Loyola, out of the best of our Catholic tradition, we are a “home for all faiths.”

Spiritual care chaplains are specially trained in a particular healthcare service area to help patients and families deal with specific types of illnesses. At Loyola University Medical Center, chaplains are available to you and your family 24 hours a day, seven days a week; at Gottlieb Memorial Hospital, two full-time chaplains are available. We also provide chaplain services to Loyola’s outpatient centers and primary care clinics.

Upon your request, we are ready to contact your church, parish, synagogue, mosque, temple or house of worship. We honor your religious beliefs and encourage you to draw from your faith tradition for healing and wholeness. We invite you to learn more about Loyola’s Catholic identity and Jesuit mission.

We encourage patients and families in the hospital to call us:

  • When you need to talk.
  • When you feel lonely.
  • When you are scared or worried.
  • When you want someone to pray with.
  • When you fear you are losing your faith.
  • When you feel grateful or blessed.
  • When you desire the sacraments.
  • When you think about giving up.
  • When you are sad or angry.
  • When you feel confused or guilty.

Onsite Spiritual Services for Patients and Families

Loyola's Paul V. Galvin Memorial Chapel provides a welcoming place for reflection and spiritual renewal 24 hours a day for patients, families and staff. This “home for all faiths” is located on the lower level of the hospital at the Maywood campus. We offer this space for the peace and comfort of our patients and their families, as well as our staff.

Worship services are televised in-house at Loyola University Medical Center on channel 4, along with other spiritual programming. Roman Catholic Mass is celebrated at noon Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and on holy days. Each day, Catholic and Protestant communion is available to patients and families upon request. On Friday afternoons, Muslim hospital staff gathers for Jummah prayer.

Who are the Chaplains?

Loyola’s spiritual care chaplains have graduate academic credentials, advanced clinical training and professional affiliation with the National Association of Catholic Chaplains or the Association of Professional Chaplains. Students in our Clinical Pastoral Education Program receive supervision and clinical experience as they prepare for full-time spiritual ministry.

What Services are Offered with Spiritual Care?

At Loyola, chaplains address what we describe as “the needs beneath the medical needs.” Whether patients or families are in the midst of a sudden crisis or an ongoing chronic struggle, our chaplains are available to provide comfort, support, prayer and healing. Whether you are a patient in the hospital or are receiving medical care at one of our outpatient facilities at the medical center campus, ask your nurse or doctor to call the spiritual care office or to page a chaplain to visit you. Or you may call 888-584-7888 and ask for extension 6-9056.

Our chaplains address:

Spiritual Needs

  • Celebrating relief, healing and gratitude
  • Dealing with suffering, loss, grief, change or discouragement
  • Ethical decisions regarding continuing or discontinuing treatments
  • Searching for meaning and hope

Religious Concerns

  • Grace-filled moments
  • Other ways God is present (or not) in life
  • Prayer, scripture and faith
  • Reconciliation or forgiveness

Specific Sacramental or Denominational Needs

  • A bible or other spiritual resource
  • Anointing of the Sick
  • Communion, reconciliation, baptism and blessing
  • Community or church concerns
  • Contacting church, parish, synagogue, mosque or house of worship

Beyond the Hospital

Loyola offers a variety of follow-up services and community outreach programs. Chaplains are involved in grief support groups, parish training projects and hospital memorial services.

Featured Video

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Spirit of Loyola: Jorge Maldonado, BCC