Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement

The Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Loyola University Medical Center endeavors to facilitate an educational environment of equity, diversity and inclusion. We acknowledge the systematic inequities that exist in healthcare which enable the underrepresentation of minorities in our specialty.

We believe that every individual deserves respect and the opportunity to advance in their chosen field of expertise. A culturally and ethnically diverse department strengthens our program, the care provided to our multicultural patient population and ultimately our individual professional development. We therefore commit to achieving equity, diversity and inclusion through the following:

  • The recruitment and advancement of a diverse team of residents by providing the recruitment team with implicit bias training to mitigate unconscious stereotyping or preferences in effort to provide an equitable interview process for all applicants;
  • Foster an environment of inclusion by developing a curriculum that educates faculty and trainees on:
    • The racial and ethnic health disparities;
    • The disparate maternal morbidity and mortality causes and prevention;
    • The impact of social determinants of health, and;
    • Racism, privilege and bias and methods of changing these inequities in healthcare.
  • Cultivating an environment in which trainees can raise concerns and provide feedback on their experience without fear of retaliation, and;
  • Annually evaluating the department and residency program's efforts in equity, diversity and inclusion at the yearly PEC meeting, and make improvements by increasing our knowledge and developing resources to advance a diverse physician workforce.

We believe that all members of our department should be provided a professional and respectful environment free from discrimination, harassment, mistreatment, abuse or coercion that ultimately respects diversity in all of its facets.

We believe that everybody in healthcare is charged with taking part in this initiative with the ultimate goal of a healthcare system that is equitable and inclusive of all populations, backgrounds and experiences.

Health Equity and Diversity Visiting Clerkship and Scholarship

Loyola Medicine is now offering a Health Equity and Diversity Visiting Clerkship to fourth year medical students.