Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI) Test

Non-invasive Test to Diagnose and Predict Peripheral Vascular Disease

An ankle-brachial index (ABI) test is the primary diagnostic test used by experts at Loyola Medicine to diagnose and predict the severity of peripheral vascular disease, also known as peripheral arterial disease, and other potential cardiovascular health problems in your legs.

Used to test blood pressure, ABI compares the blood pressure in your legs to the blood pressure in your arms. Under normal circumstances, the blood pressure in your arms and legs is the same. If the pressure in your ankles is lower, you might be at risk for peripheral vascular disease.

Experts at Loyola use the ratio of your ankle pressure to your brachial pressure as an indicator of the severity of your peripheral vascular disease—a disease that can result in risk of heart attack, stroke, poor circulation and leg pain. Peripheral artery disease can be a result of narrow arteries, artery blockage and poor circulation.


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