Comprehensive Hemodynamic Evaluation

Diagnostic Evaluation to Determine Blood Pressure Health

Cardiologists at Loyola Medicine are expert at implementing the latest technology and diagnostic tests for evaluating and diagnosing heart and vascular conditions. Comprehensive hemodynamic evaluation is one of the many tools our highly skilled doctors use to evaluate your cardiovascular health.

Hemodynamics is the method used to study blood pressure and how well your body transports oxygen in your blood to the tissues of your body. The job of your cardiovascular system (made up of your heart and blood vessels) is to carry and deliver oxygen to the right place at the right time in your body. Hemodynamic evaluation enables doctors at Loyola to ensure this process is working properly for you and to make timely health decisions.

Hemodynamic evaluation is complex and provides doctors with insights into all of the components that affect your blood pressure and cardiovascular health, including:

  • Blood volume — Doctors can determine if the volume of blood you pump is normal, if you have increased volume or fluid overload caused by fluid retention, or if you have decreased volume caused by fluid loss. 
  • Inotropes — Doctors can evaluate hormone-like substances that circulate through the blood and stimulate the heart muscles to increase or decrease your heart rate. 
  • Systemic vascular resistance (vasoreactivity) — Doctors can detect conditions that affect the diameter of your blood vessels and whether you have blood vessel constriction resulting in decreased blood flow and hypertension.

Hemodynamic evaluation plays an important role in the diagnosis of the following conditions:

  • Congestive heart failure
  • Systemic hypertension
  • Shortness of breath
  • Valvular heart disease and pulmonary hypertension
  • Congenital cardiomyopathies

Doctors at Loyola are expertly trained in comprehensive hemodynamic evaluation, enabling them to accurately diagnose the exact mechanism in your cardiovascular system that is malfunctioning. This gives you the best treatment options and outcomes.


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Loyola Medicine heart and vascular specialists have the experience and technology to treat the most difficult cardiac and vascular conditions. Schedule an appointment today.

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