Vocal Cord Paralysis

Overview and Facts about Vocal Cord Paralysis

Vocal cords are a pair of muscles that form a V-shape in the larynx (voice box) and sit on top of the windpipe (trachea).

The vocal cords have three functions:

  • They close and vibrate together to produce the sound for our voice
  • They close to protect our airway and lungs from the foods and liquids we ingest
  • They open to allow airflow into our lungs for breathing

When one of the functions is impaired, it can affect the other two functions, which can cause vocal cord paralysis.

Vocal cord paralysis is a condition in which the nerve impulses to your voice box that create sound are disrupted, which causes paralysis in the vocal cord muscles. Vocal cord paralysis can affect your ability to speak or even breathe.

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