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Interdisciplinary Approach to Treating Leukemia and Lymphoma

Doctors at Loyola Medicine are nationally recognized for their dedication to research, diagnosis and treatment of lymphatic and blood cancers, including leukemia and lymphoma

Leukemia and lymphoma, or blood and lymphatic cancers, are cancer types that develop in your blood or lymphatic system. Both result from problems with white blood cells, but are classified according to the origin of the cancer cells. If the disease affects circulating cells, it is considered leukemia. If the disease tends to produce a tumor, it is considered lymphoma.      Our interdisciplinary team of doctors provides an integrated approach to your diagnosis, and you receive a comprehensive cancer treatment plan specific to your needs.

At Loyola, we aim to go beyond the treatment of disease and care for the issues that affect your life, your work and your family. That’s why our complementary and supportive care services include psychotherapy services, nutritional counseling, massage therapy, spa services and pain management. 

Cancer cell

Request an Appointment

At Loyola, we provide the most advanced cancer treatments available, using the latest research and advanced technology to help treat body, mind and spirit. Request an appointment today with a Loyola Medicine cancer specialist.

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Clinical Trial Saves Leukemia Patient