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Advanced Techniques to Treat Brain and Spine Cancer and Tumors

At Loyola Medicine, we are proud of our cancer treatment specialists who implement the latest technology to diagnose and treat brain and spine (central nervous system or CNS) cancer. At Loyola, an interdisciplinary team of experts works together to provide the most comprehensive treatment, resulting in the best outcomes for our patients. 

Why Choose Loyola Medicine for Brain and Spine Cancer Treatment?

Loyola is a world-class academic medical center, and our clinical activities are enhanced with our vigorous approach to research. Our clinicians and laboratory investigators collaborate to better understand the growth and development of brain and spine tumors, so we can ensure the most positive outcomes for our patients.

Our team provides integrated, individualized care to every patient. Loyola utilizes advanced techniques to treat both newly diagnosed and recurrent malignant and benign tumors of the skull, brain and spinal cord.

Innovative Approaches for Brain and Spinal Tumor Removal

Loyola offers the unique following programs for the care and support of brain and spine tumor patients:

  • Loyola’s renowned Center for Cranial Base Surgery treats patients with tumors at the underside of the brain. It is an area that borders the brain, ears, eyes, nose, throat and neck. Neurosurgeons, otolaryngologists and other specialists each bring unique expertise to treat these tumors, which often surround the nerves and blood vessels traveling to or from the underside of the brain. 
  • The Cardinal Bernardin Cancer Center is a convenient multidisciplinary clinic for patients with brain, nervous system and head and neck cancers. Meanwhile in the neuro-oncology laboratory, scientists are studying how tumors grow in order to develop new treatments.
Cancer cell

Request an Appointment

At Loyola, we provide the most advanced cancer treatments available, using the latest research and advanced technology to help treat body, mind and spirit. Request an appointment today with a Loyola Medicine cancer specialist.

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