MacNeal Internal Medicine Residency Overview

Overview of the Internal Medicine Residency Program

Program Mission

The MacNeal Internal Medicine Residency program at Loyola Medicine honors the esteemed legacy of Dr. Arthur W. MacNeal. As a physician, Dr. MacNeal strove to meet the needs of the community and from his home founded what became MacNeal Hospital. At Loyola MacNeal internal medicine program we seek to preserve the tradition of service and inspire within our residents a passion for patient care and a deep fund of intellectual curiosity and give back to community. This philosophy extends to our learning environment, where both faculty and residents are dedicated to creating safe, meaningful spaces that foster community and growth.

Today, the modern day MacNeal Hospital continues to remain committed through partnership with Loyola Medicine to meet the unique needs of our growing community.

We achieve these goals by immersing our residents in diverse patient populations, a variety of learning sites, and a wide range of specialties. Our robust didactics and layered mentorship provide continuous support to ensure our learners' success.

Core rotations for our residents take place at Loyola MacNeal Hospital, but we also offer our senior residents the opportunity to engage with more complex cases through 4-6 weeks of elective rotations at Loyola, broadening their clinical exposure and deepening their expertise.

Unique Offerings

Our Internal Medicine Residency program has many special features, and we hope you will visit us – either in-person or virtually – to get to know about us more. Some unique features of our residency include:

  • "4+2" Scheduling System that allows expanded education in ambulatory medicine and longitudinal elective experiences
  • Intern Boot Camp to help our interns start off strong
  • Mock Code Training in a state-of-the-art simulation center held annually
  • Point of Care ultrasound training in form of Didactics, workshop and hands on experience in ICU.
  • Free board review course and MKSAP for residents
  • Annual Retreats – off campus events for reflection and community building for each of our resident classes
  • A commitment to Diversity and Equity
  • Dedicated Curriculum in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
  • Dedicated Curriculum for Community Medicine Elective
  • Dedicated Curriculum for Clinician Educator Track