Bariatric Clinical Trials

At Loyola Medicine, we are committed to providing excellent patient care. To help fulfill our mission, we are also committed to conducting scientific research that leads to new discoveries in the treatment of obesity and obesity-related illnesses.

Loyola’s Center for Metabolic Surgery & Bariatric Care is now conducting three clinical trials that may interest you. If you are interested in participating, please mention this to your nurse or physician or call us at (708) 538-6733.

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and the Bariatric Population

LU number: 205169

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) results from the buildup of fat in and around the liver in people who drink little or no alcohol. It is a very common condition in patients who are overweight and obese. This condition may lead to a progressive liver disease.

The purpose of this study is to gather information about patients’ lifestyle choices and the genetic factors for those at risk for NAFLD who go on to have bariatric surgery. We will ask patients about their medical history and medications during regularly scheduled clinic visits. Data such as height, weight, pulse, blood pressure, laboratory and liver ultrasound results also will be collected from patients’ medical records as they prepare for bariatric surgery. We also will collect several blood samples (about one tablespoon of blood per sample) during these routine clinic visits.

Patients may optionally allow the surgeon to collect a small sample of visceral adipose tissue (one ounce of fat around the internal organs) during their bariatric surgery. After surgery, we will continue to collect information during routine appointments until the one-year post-operative appointment.

Exploring Weight Perceptions and the Decision-Making Process in Patients who Seek Treatment for Obesity

LU number: 206228

There are many reasons patients seek out medical or surgical weight loss treatment. This study aims to better understand which factors contribute to patients’ weight concerns and how patients choose a weight loss treatment.

Patients who have finished either a medical or surgical weight loss treatment at the Loyola Center for Metabolic Surgery & Bariatric Care may participate. Groups consisting of eight patients who have received the same treatment will be asked to participate in a 90-minute discussion.

We will ask patients to provide their opinions and express their concerns during the discussion, which will be led by a member of our psychology team. We expect this discussion group will provide valuable information that will help us better educate future patients and allow them to connect with one another about shared experiences.

Prospective Randomized, Controlled Trial of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy and the Reinforced Staple Line: Buttressing vs. Hand-Sewn Suturing

LU number: 206310

During Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG), the surgeon uses a surgical stapler to create the smaller tube or banana-shaped section of stomach that will remain after surgery. The area where two walls of the stomach are attached together with the stapler is called the staple line.

The aim of the study is to compare two techniques of strengthening the surgical staple line during laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy. Patients having this procedure will be randomly assigned to two groups. The surgeon performing the surgery will reinforce the staple line with an absorbable material or a hand-sewn suture.

The primary focus of this study is to reduce possible major surgical complications (bleeding or leak at the staple line) after laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy. The secondary aim is to compare surgical results and minor surgical complications between the two patient groups.