Weight Loss (Bariatric) Support Services

Comprehensive Support to Long-term Weight Loss

While many of your health issues may resolve quickly following medical weight loss or bariatric surgery, your efforts do not end there. Achieving and maintaining your weight goal requires ongoing commitment and dedication.

Loyola Medicine is committed to providing the support you need to help you maintain your weight loss goals through several support services, including:

  • Multidisciplinary Weight Loss Team
  • Weight Loss Support Groups

Whether you participate in our medical weight loss programs or undergo one of our bariatric surgeries, Loyola will partner with you to provide the ongoing medical and behavioral tools necessary to maintain your weight loss.

How Will Weight Loss Affect Me?

If your path to weight loss is bariatric surgery, you will require lifelong medical monitoring along with permanent changes in your lifestyle, thinking and diet. You may not be able to eat some of the foods you love, and you may need to take vitamin supplements.

In addition to changes in your diet, you may also see changes in your relationships. People may treat you differently as you lose weight—sometimes better, sometimes not.

You might also feel differently about yourself and others; it's hard to predict exactly how you will be impacted. If food has been central to your friendships and social life, you may have to make some challenging changes. Having support in these efforts is crucial.

Why Choose Loyola for Weight Loss?

Loyola’s multidisciplinary weight loss team works with you to give you the tools—including education and support—to help you maintain your weight loss and deal with its social and behavioral challenges.

The aftercare that is part of our program includes clinic appointments for the rest of your life, and support groups for as long as you need. We keep in contact with your personal physician as well, making sure he or she is a partner in the process.

In addition to offering clinical support, Loyola offers weight loss support groups that are an essential component of both the medical and surgical programs. Members of our bariatric team are present at these programs to address special topics and offer expert advice.

Support groups are offered at hours that are accessible to working people, and are available at no charge for as long as you wish to attend—even after you have reached your weight goal.