
World-Class Specialty Care from the Comfort of Your Community Hospital

Loyola Medicine is proud to partner with community hospitals to provide expert patient care with our advanced telemedicine program. Working with your doctors to eliminate distance barriers and improve medical services that might not be consistently available in the hospital closest to home, Loyola’s program can offer you and your doctors access to a Loyola specialist 24 hours a day.

In hospitals partnered with Loyola’s telemedicine team, we ensure that you and your doctors have access to expert, academic-level insights and subspecialty care. With state-of-the-art technology, Loyola’s specialists can communicate with you and your doctor from a remote location. Working collaboratively, we can develop individualized treatment plans for our patients in their community hospitals.

Guided by strict technical standards and clinical practice guidelines, Loyola’s telemedicine program is a convenient way to extend our academic-based medical care to your community. Loyola specialists can become a part of your hospital team, interacting with emergency department doctors, patients and families to recommend treatment, reduce disability and save lives.

Why Choose Loyola for Telemedicine?

Loyola is the Midwest leader in telemedicine care and one of few hospitals nationwide to provide specialized stroke care 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our program was created by nationally recognized experts in telemedicine—doctors with years of experience in direct bedside applications of the technology—and builds on solid evidence both within our own system and in larger networks.

To find out more about Loyola’s Telemedicine program for your hospital, please call Michael Jarotkiewicz, Vice President of Network Development, at 708-216-6686.