St. Albert's Day Research Symposium

St. Albert's Day Overview

Each fall Loyola University Medical Center celebrated its annual St. Albert’s day research symposium showcasing current research efforts within the university. This year the Department of Ophthalmology submitted a total of 11 posters at St. Albert’s Day with presentations in subspecialty areas of ophthalmic pathology, ophthalmic drug delivery, pediatrics, cornea and retina.

This year, Dr. Nolan Adams presented a poster entitled “The Effect of Blue-light-blocking Intraocular Lenses on Glycemic Control in Diabetic Patients” Authors: Nolan Adams, MD, Ryan Hakim MS2, Michael Wesolowski MPH, James McDonnell, MD. Dr. Adams’s poster was supported by Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness.

This year, Dr. Vish Reddy presented a poster entitled “Ophthalmology residents' attitudes toward stress and wellness when fulfilling on-call responsibilities” Authors: Vish Reddy, MD, Stephen Blatt, MD. Dr. Reddys poster was supported by Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness.

We look forward to continued growth in our research program as a means to improve patient outcomes through bench to bedside innovation in optimizing clinical care.